makeup that i forgot ^^
ye i just remembered that i didn't put up my ''makeup'' video here so go and check pls <3 ^^
And now some pics/gifs that has nothing 2 do aboout anything :D haha

LOOOVE this gif *w*'

and some random pics of nature and stuff taken on my phone o.o

Now u ppl understand why i don't like were i live.. it's just forest... so so much x.x aigoo
yepp yepp ^^ imma sleep now,,, maybe i should make a REAL post tomorrow ? ^^
let's see :)
bye bye <333
XOXO <3<33<3<3<3<3

u-kwon cutie <<3 ive started watching Block B match up (nev ver can't remember name now x.x but anyway it's awsome <33 they are so cute n funny<3)

*w* My BtoB Bias Ilhoon who is just getting higher and higher on my bias list DAMN he's sexy n cute and i go *w* <3<33

more block B cuties <3 Btw imma buy their newest album i think *w* <33 ahhh looove

More BtoB because i really love this group<3 i've seen like 40 (and some eps more than once xD) -BtoB diary eps and i was up all night watching them live pn gurupop <3 LOVE THEM <3

and because this ended up being a B post imma ad Bangyongguk <33 from B.A.P <33 yes sir
Thankyou evryone who still reads my blog even tho i'm basicly NEVER here x.x But just follow me on Youtube at Ichigomz or at tumblr: Mathildaz <3
have it great <33
XOXO <33
Sara me and mich o.o
not sure if u people really wanna see this but if u do , me ,sara and mich did a video while wearing weird make up at 2:30 am.. we did another at 4am but it didn't upload :(
but if u wanna see the wierdness / crazyness go watch it
these were my TY pics for u people!
TY for watching my videos or just reading my blog <33
imma try work harder with both<3
Bye bye for now <3
some pics .. because i feel like and terrible blogger :'C

sweet lord this can't be taemin o.o like .. wow xD <333

B1aaaa4 <33 ( btw look at Baro's beautiful arms *w* )
BtoB Ilhoon,minhyuk and hyunsik <3 these are one of my favorite rookies this year because i relly fell in love with them while watching BtoB diary so if u havn't seen it go watch <3 (it's still airing it's over 60 ep's but evry ep is only 10-13 minutes)

Daesung xD old picture but the cuteness is 2 much for me 2 not post :D <3

Another Hyunsik <3 but this one is from ZE:A and this is on Gurupop show wich latey is one of my favorite shows ive seen al exept one right now even with groups i knew nothing about and it's still rly fun 2 see xD <33

And a cute Tabi saying hi 2 the kids *w*
heh and now imma get some sleep sence it's already 1.15 am and tomorrow mich and sara will come here for a sleepover o.o so i need some rest..
i'll also say that i'm on my SCHOOL computer now and all these pics are saved on it xD haha and more xD i need 2 remove them before i give my comp back or it's gonna be AWKWARD xD hhahah
well bye bye <3
XOXO <3<33<3<33<33<3
Some help ? <3
hey it's no school this week so i'm just home eating and watching dramas xD hhaha great 4 me right? lol imma start working out A LITTLE and start working on my fexibility again later this week .. ive been lazy for 2 long :( BUT righ ow i wish you all 2 press this link and help me out ok? <3 if u do i'll give u a cookie :D TY if u do <33 *gives cookie and a hug* imma try making a real post or a new vlog soon :D so keep ur eye on my blog and Cya <33 XOXO
Another Video...!! KPOP collection
i just made another video on youtube so go watch it ^-^
this time i'm a bit more fun sense i show my kpop cds ^-^<3
enjoy ;P <3
or something xD
and don't tease me about my strange voice :'( it's so dark o.o even darker when i speak english o.o
Bye <3 XOXO<33<3<3<33<33<3
Your parent’s reaction when you were born:
How you felt on the first day of school:
Your reaction when you learned how to ride a bike:
Your reaction to getting a birthday present from your best friend:
How you felt when you got your first crush:
How your first crush felt when you told them:
Your reaction to your parents sitting you down to have “The Talk”:
How you felt waiting for your exam results:
Your reaction to failing an exam:
Your reaction to having a crush on your professor:
Your reaction to graduating:
Your reaction to finding a good job:
Your reaction to the proposal:
You on your wedding day:
Your husband:
Your kids:
The rest of your life:
Party gif challenge ( k-pop style)
You’re at a party, the fourth gif is the person who started the party:

yeeah <33
a wild pink GD <3
The eigth gif is how they invite you to the party:

hah i would like that party :P
The seventh gif with words is what they say to you when you first get to the party:

lol i guess i'm TOP`? :P
(all numbers over 20 will be random)
your reaction once you get to the party:

bad party? o.o
The first gif is your reaction when they have your favorite food at the table:

seems legit :P
you when you see they have alcohol at the party:

lol how should i take that? xD
you when you talk to your crush while drunk:

i'll look hot ? :D woo
what you do to your crush:

sing lies and dance behind ass ... i could do that :D
your reaction when they take the alcohol away from you:

i start stripping? :O
The twenty-eighth gif with words is what you say to the people who took it away

hey stupid, i miss you come back... o.o i miss alcohol or person? :P
you trying to flirt with your crush:

HELL YEAH :D <33 ahah
your reaction when someone tries to flirt with your crush:

i watch people kiss or i start kissing? :P both are okay :D
what all the other people at the party think of you:

haha no just no xD ....
the person who calls the police on you:

Joon appa? :'( i was 2 hot for the babies 2 see i guess o.o LOL
gif with words is what you say to the police when they arrive:

that i'm one of a kind :D
you getting kicked out of the party

i just laugh it of :P
and that would have been an amazing party :D i soooo wanna go xD<3<333
yeah <33
if u people have a blog do this on u''r blog and bye for now :) <33
XOXO <33
dirty talk? LOL maybe next time xD
i just woke up so i might sound crazy when i speak but yeah yeah,,,, that's okay xD
so i was up toning on interpals and ive been there for like a month but nor really been there if u know ,, but yesturday ALOT of people suddenly started talking 2 me and then this 16 y.o korean guy starts writng like dirty things i'm not even gonna say it but still i just feel like LOL xD no this is so wrong and i was falling of my chair laughing .... aish but i have 2 say that FINALY i found a perverted korean xD they all seem so innocent the ones i talked 2 and i was just like '' Y U SO INNOCENT'' so now i found one xD and i aint talking 2 him again :P LOL
some are really funny 2 talk 2 tho ^-^ and i help alot of people with swedish o.o what's up with that
alot of people from america and africa who wanna know swedish and i'm just like ''bitches be crazy''
well well.. i just wanted 2 talk a little about interpals and ye if you don't have it go and get it because some people are rly nice 2 talk 2 and some are really nice 2 laugh at ;P hahaha
also ... more kpop related ... KCON :''''( why do i live in sweden and... *cryface*
exo----- x.x WU DID FREAKING AEGYO !!!!! *trowing all my feels*
ahh so amazing i didn't watch it live tho :'( but i'll watch it as soon as i find it on YT
sooo yeah <33<3<33 ahhh
and not only exo Bap 2 and all fangirls and thers so much i wanna do there O.O ahh :'(
if u were there youre so lucky *w* ahhh i wanna go but i have 2 wait... IF i get 2 korean in the future i'll make up for evrything i miss right now!!
random pics of ppl i like ^^ <<33<3
bye bye <33
XOXO <3<3<3<33<33
Boys boys o.o
Hi :)
i'm gonna be all honest and say OMG WHATS UP WITH THE WORLDS BOYS RIGHT NOW?
or males or watever ,,,, they are all over and suddenly tuching me (like not dirty just like putting hands on my arm and so xD) and they look at me and talk and i'm just there like '' hey u ppl i'm still me ,, why are you here ?'' xD LOL
i just find it really wierd and awkward... but i gets worse because guys are the only thing my mind seem 2 wanna think about so i'm just like *BOOOM* and dead o.o
even on the freaking comeputer.... WIERD GUYS ARE WIERD!
i have interpals sence some weeks ago and some WAY 2 HOT guys comment me like ''cute'' and i'm just like first : naaw then XD ahhahahahhahah u blind? xD lol jk jk jk right? xD
ahh.. *going crazy* oh and i always think when someone who's hot call u cute or watever i'm just like ''UR 2 HOT 2 SPEAK 2 ME!! '' LOL but it's true when someone is hot i'm just like ur 2 good :( leave xD hahah
i also have some and yes SOME more than one that i look at in school BUT NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN U KNOW THE FEELING! and i relised they were all like different races xD Black,white ye y'all know i'm almost proud because i have noticed that i can like any race xD sounds bad but ye..... something as stupid as skincolour shouldnt change anything right :)
i will MAYBE make another vlog but i'm honestly still awkward about the last one xD i hate showing pics online so that was rly terrible for me but that's life i guess ^-^
i should dress like this in my next vlog xD no one will see that it's me xD
i'll keep watching ''Mei-chan no shitsuji'' now and then sleep :D yeah ...
i'll be back ~ *starts singing 2pm *
cya <333
So i made a vlog z.x *dead* it's really awfull and eww but yeah watch it ..
but i'll see how i will fix that if i will make more vlogs later on ^-^
i just talk normal so go look at it
My dog is in the way u can har my birds and it's just SUPER FAIL XD
but yeah enjoy laughing at me xD (ohh and btw i say emm and yeah evry 3rd word) x.x
CYA !! XOXO <3<33
Ipod shuffle challenge ... because i'm bored but 2 sleepy 2 write well :'(
put your ipod on shuffle and see what you get =) no cheating!
Describe Yourself: Crayon - G-dragon (LOL CRAZY ON true story)
What do people feel when they’re around you: Tell me goodbye- BIGBANG (lol how sad xD)
Describe your current relationship: Wild - G.O & Mir (mblaq) ( HAHAH WILD LOL NOPE)
Where would you like to be right now: Turn it up- T.O.P (bigbang)
How do you feel about love: Butterfly - G-dragon
What is your life like: Digital bounce - Se7en & T.O.P ( TRUE STORY LOL )
What would you do if you only had one wish: strong baby - Seungri (bigbang)
Say something wise: Burning- Phantom
How would you describe yourself: Hello- G-dragon ft Dara
What do you look for in a person: Home - Tablo (o.o )
How do you feel today: You and I - Park Bom (2ne1)
What’s your life’s purpose: E.R - Dalmatian
What is your motto: Lucifer - SHINee
What do your friends think of you: mirotic - DBSK/TVXQ ( LOOOL)
What do your parents think of you: After all - G-dragon
What do you think about often: Only one - BoA
What do you think about your best friend: Feeling - BIGBANG
What do you think of the person you like: SPY - SuperJunior
What is your life story: Ma Boy - Sistar19
What do you want to be when you grow up: From U- Super junior
What do you think of when you see the person you like: Hey girl- andrew ( DA FUQ ... it's a guy xD )
What will you dance to at your wedding: MAMA - Exo K
What will play at your funeral: Hot game- A-jax
i think my phone is a liar o.o hmpf...
But yeah cya ppl <33
XOXO <3<3<3<33
hey peeps :)
nothing much have happened ^-¨ ive spent some time with mich, been in school and yeah...
watched shows like running man and all those ^-^ SO AWSOME :D
ive gotten a ship 2 o.o wuuuut
lol mich have seen him and he´s ( in her words) a cute asian guy with cute style sama age as us xD so yeah she´s trying 2 ship us xD but it sounds good but step 1 SEE HIM LOL xD so wierd xD
But sence i also ship her with a guy she likes it´s ok :P he have RLY RLY pretty hands ( wird right ive never liked hands but oh my they are soooo pretty) lol ,, i'll see if i can make them get together xD hehe but she didn´t seem 2 glad that i wanted 2 help her :P she: i can never know what u will say o.o
me : mohahahah >:D
í'm super super sleepy right now.. i only sleep 2-3 h evry noght so ... i feel a bit dead xD lol
i'll go watch NU'EST now then sleep :P <33 bye bye
the lovely pic of Zelo i drew in school ^-^ maybe i can show that one some day xD <3
cay <3
XOXO <3<33<33
hi evryone :)
i'll make a quick post now sence it´s already 3:50am .. so i should get some sleep ^-^
i'll just say that ive been watching diffrent real series or watever u call them xD lol
but yeah Running man with BIGBANG and it was great btw :D <3<33 ive wanted 2 watch it but i have had 2 much 2 watch so ... but yeah also healoíng camp bigbang :o so sad but still great ofc :) evrything bigbang is in is great :P
Runningman with mblaq and sistar :D not as good as the bigbang sence there was 2 little mblaq but good ^-^
And now ive watched GURUPOP with BAP and MBLAQ :D both was great ^-^ jjang ^_^ keke
i'll try watching ZE:A on the 27th when it´s out :D wooo
and if u don't wanna look pls do anyway because then there´s like 0.009 % chance that i win a signed ZE:A picture so pls help me out lovey readers <333

A sleepy night selca of me xD haha so smal panda eyes xD lol

Jiyongie <3
i'll sleep now so :D good night ;) and sleep well ppl <33
Get your Crayon
Hi evryone ive been sick from thursday and i´m still sick but today i had 2 go 2 school anyway p.p
ive olny been sleeping,watching GD and watching ToTheBeautifulYou
thats all o.o....
we got computers in our school :O woooo <33
i can also say that i made a reaction video 2 GD´s crayon but i´m like 80% sure i´m not going 2 post it because i was sick and sleepy and without makeup... not rly my best day maybe ...
also all i said while watching the mv was OH MY FUCING GOD! NO WAY :: NOOOO NOOO OMG o.o
and i started like this -_- ended upp like this (/OwO)/ <3 .... so i enjoyed it ;P
i was right OFC ;P Gd showed some skin <33 yeeeeeey <333
i rly want the CD now but i´m not sure if i rly can buy it in sweden o.o :'( but i wish for the best ^-^ :D
and sence GD is my Bias this is gonna be a 100% GD POST :D *w*
Bye bye <33
XOXO <<333
Hello :)
Mum had birthday ^-^ so yey for her ^-^b
and on her birthday we went out for thai food sence were swedish o.o u know what i mean? o.o lol
and thats kinda it .. or well we have been at my sister place and the other came her and so on but i can´t tell you evrything :O
i started writing a fanfic( i think it is that but it´s more like i had a dream of me meeting zelo in korea and i decided 2 write it down) so i started that today for the first time in my life but 1, it´s in swedish 2, it´s awfull .. just terrible rly xD 3, no way i´m gonna show u :P
but it´s nice 2 write and just think .. i havn´t done that in forever xD LOL
i´m watching ''To the beautiful you'' i started for Minho and stayed for the Cute guy (the one who thinks he´s gay) so yeah GOD HES CUTE! i always fall for the guys who think they are gay but they´r not o.o
school tomorrow again YEEY o.o
i don´t wanna :( but ye ye ....
now i have 0% energi left in my body so i´ll just end it here :O bai bai


as close to perfect as a human can get <33

Teen top´s hearts :O (is that CAP creeping in the backround? lol)

R.I.P me and all my feels now i´ll go and remove no nosebleed LOL xD
BYE <3
XOXO<3 <33
Kpop radio live
Hwello ppl :O
I´m just sitting here eating D.O-ughnuts *w* and listeing 2 SWEDISH kpop radio WUUT <33
so nice they have a kpop special on swedish radio *w*
i honestly feel just like WUUT because there´s rly kpop evrywhere now :O a non kpop friend in school listened 2 gangnam style and when i was gonna show gangnam style 2 someone in my family he had already heard it and he´s like over 30 o.o and swedish kpop radio and Psy on EMA and *booomm explode*
i can´t...... it´s just 2 much djkgakshgfhagsdhkf *w*
now,... in school there have been a week were we have 2 listen 2 the 3rd graders and dress up as ninjas and stuff ike that but the 3rd grades in ES are kinda cool so i´m fine XD i´m not going to drink ''Tea'' with them tho xD (alcoholl) not rly my thing xD ...
we have done random things like eating on the floor in school , walking though town playing music dancing christmas songs and so in ^-^ it have been kinda fun i must admit ^-^
Also yesturday me,Mich and Sara whent 2 eat sushi because me and mich LOVES it and sara had never tried xD and LOL i almost fell of my chair laughing when she ate it xD SHE DID NOT LIKE IT xD but yeah it was rly good for me ^-^ and those weak ppl refuse 2 eat wasabi :O WUUT i love wasabi xD and soya xD mich always teases me for loving soya so she poured some in my tea cup and then i drank it just 2 mess with them xD but it was pretty good i rly love soya xD <33
enough for today ... my mus have her berthday tomorrow so i´m going away eating with her but i´ll rly try 2 post as soon as possible and im gonna make a GD post soon 2 <33 or another awsone 2012 songs? let´s see then :)

Look at this handsome man do you know who it is??

ITS FREAKING CNU *w* OMO he have gotten alot hotten than he was at the O.K and Beautiful target time XD <33 ive always liked him but that was for his voice but if it keeps going like this he might get higher on bias list because i know he can be rly smart,hot,fuuny, good singer, good dancer *w* sounds good 2 me <33

Some Gd as always <33 Ku XX ( i don´t know why but saying That XX sounds wierd 2 me so i'll just say Ku XX)

Ohh so sexy *w*...

GD teaser pic of next MV ö.ö *exited <33*

Speaking of hot guys <333 Thunder is just 2 good 2 be true <33<33<33 i rly wanna get a MBLAQ CD because MBLAQ/BIGBANG is my favorite groups so :') <3333 some day <33
Bye bye birdies ! ^-^<33
XOXO <333
Kpop Gif challenge
Kpop Challenge 1.Open Gif folder 2.Every 5th gif
is your Dad

is your Mom

GD AND TOP *w* yes pls pls pls <33
is your Dream Man

Close enough :D <33
is your Husband

My dream man is my husband *w* and he can dance american dance *w* *dead*
is the guy you cheat your husband with

is your ex-boyfriend

Ohh Key the sexy diva *w* <33
is your annoying brother

NOO not GD :'( he´s not annoying or my brother :O he should change with kikwang :(
is your kid

LOL TOP rly? xD
is your pet

Bommie? well she´s good at making puppy eyes so ...
is your cook chef

GD <33 i´m gonna get fat :P eating 24/7 so i can spend time with him :D <3
is your body guard

Jonghyun the troll :D yeey :D
is the hot guy living next door that you secretly peek on at night when he’s changing

seems legit xD lol who wouldn´t look at him?
SO all ppl who have seen this do this on ur tumblr/ blog or watever ^-^ yall tagged :P
have a nice (day?/night?) Bye <3
XOXO <33
Fuck who you like and fuck who you want
hello people :o
I have started school again o.o and i´m spending my time drawing/listening 2 music and talking to Maja and Toy who have become the people i am with :o
and also .... Sara started my class today because her (old) class sucks :)
but its fine in school i guess. kinda?
Now 2 the important stuff .. GD´s new song will be out tomorrow and there´s a age thingie on the MV o.o 18+ o.o
SAY WUUT??? does this mean skin=? i´m rly exited :D <33<3<33 18+ :P fuck age imma watch it 99 999 999 times anyway <3 ^-^
I´m going 2 my dad this weekend and I GOT 2 KPOP CD´s OMG :D
the B1A4 IGNITION cuz i still havn´t been able 2 get it at his place and BIGBANG first solo album (the orange thing o,o i don´t know BUT *W* SO NICE!!)
so i´m rly exited <333 this will probably be a good weekend ^-^<33
imma see what i´ll post but i´m thinking of an kpop gif challange later but right now no pics wanna get up loaded x.x
Bye 4 now imma go eat <3
XOXO <33