Find the wrong :O
Hi evryone i´m home sck today trying 2 do homeworsk.. its NOT going well...:C
wellwell.... i´ll just put up some pics and then homeworks <3
Theme of pics--- Find the wrong :P lol
find the wrong? lol xP goshxP
whats NOT wrong? lol
Onew nothing wrong just cute ^_^and then--- WHUUT whats up with jonghyun? lol ...
Minho and taemin .. WHATS UP WITH THAT o.O srsly o.o *aigoo*
this is a gif but it doesnt work.. but still o.o he´s getting a butt massage o.o WHUUT 8O LOL
xP mean.forever alone onew poor him :(<3
i dont even need 2 say something lol :P Soup i liv <3
yeah lol hmm :p
the old gun lady is lil fun tho :P i have been shooting 2 for one year like when i was 13-14 or something like that :P lol but its boring .. ur just like BOOM .. BOOOM BOOM .. yey i won.. BOOM BOOM .....BORING :C so i quit that shit xP lol...
yeah well well cya later geeks <3
wellwell.... i´ll just put up some pics and then homeworks <3
Theme of pics--- Find the wrong :P lol
find the wrong? lol xP goshxP
whats NOT wrong? lol
Onew nothing wrong just cute ^_^and then--- WHUUT whats up with jonghyun? lol ...
Minho and taemin .. WHATS UP WITH THAT o.O srsly o.o *aigoo*
this is a gif but it doesnt work.. but still o.o he´s getting a butt massage o.o WHUUT 8O LOL
xP mean.forever alone onew poor him :(<3
i dont even need 2 say something lol :P Soup i liv <3
yeah lol hmm :p
the old gun lady is lil fun tho :P i have been shooting 2 for one year like when i was 13-14 or something like that :P lol but its boring .. ur just like BOOM .. BOOOM BOOM .. yey i won.. BOOM BOOM .....BORING :C so i quit that shit xP lol...
yeah well well cya later geeks <3