da da da dam dam da da dam
Annyong haseyo <3
so today was first day on our free week :P whoho :)
i was srsly sleeping 11 h tonight xP haha ill be up all night now xP
and yeah,, i realised that u can do loads of shit when ur free my day was ..
Wake up, tv, play with dogs, tv , shower, fix eyebrows, get dressed, play with dogs, fix nails , tv, tv ,tv music music music :O lol xP great day right?
right now i´m stuck in the song : Your love-Cher Lloyd ft Mike posner
i totaly love the start da da da da dam dam da da dam ^_^hah
and her style is awsome ^_^COLOUR :D yey
ohh and btw u know that SNSD/girls generation´s new song The Boys is on 3rd place on youtubes 100 list :) AWSOME <3<3 we like that <3
i like the song but i still like the old OH! and GEE and those better :) hah thats the songs who made me like k-pop so i´ll always love them :D
hmm what more to say? i´ll show u a pic i took of my new shoes today *-* <3 but u cant se the heel :( but annyway :P i´m NOT good at taking pics :P

okey now my head is empty o.o i cant come up with annything to say :( hmm.....
ohhh .. btw WERE DID MY READERS GO? :( some are gone *sadface* i think they became afraid when they saw my back .. they just AHH o.o OMG *run away* lol xP
nah ,, but come back ppl :( or i´ll be sad
okey some more pics then i leave blog :)

thats it 4 today ppl <3 cya tomorrow <3<3 bai bai ~<3
XOXO <3<3 (gossip girl) ;)