i´m a playgirl <3
Okey hi ppl <3
i wasnt online yesturday cuz i was on town with the girls :)
ofc Mich and sara :P lol
annyway i bought a new dress :D whoho :D a ring and nail varnish :D yey <3<3
that´s always nice <3<3
emm i dont remember what i was gonna write ... and btw my blog is lagging å-å links and shit jumping around all over the place .. i´ll try fix it as fast as i can.. hate that .. :I
and so now i´ll just say that i´m using GD and TOP as my new music drug <3<3
KNOCK OUT<3<3 löööve<3
okey <3<3 so emm.. i´ll just put on some pics then i´ll work with trying to come up what´s the problem with the blog :O <3
have nice <3

(my new comp backround ) <3<3 hah
bye bye ~<3
i wasnt online yesturday cuz i was on town with the girls :)
ofc Mich and sara :P lol
annyway i bought a new dress :D whoho :D a ring and nail varnish :D yey <3<3
that´s always nice <3<3
emm i dont remember what i was gonna write ... and btw my blog is lagging å-å links and shit jumping around all over the place .. i´ll try fix it as fast as i can.. hate that .. :I
and so now i´ll just say that i´m using GD and TOP as my new music drug <3<3
KNOCK OUT<3<3 löööve<3
okey <3<3 so emm.. i´ll just put on some pics then i´ll work with trying to come up what´s the problem with the blog :O <3
have nice <3

bye bye ~<3