I´m crazy but you like it
*walking in sleep*
Good morning..(night)
i have been sleeping ... nothing tonight... i have huge problems with that..
i ended up with counting my pillows in the middle of the nigt.. i have too many xP
i have 14 pillows in my bed xP lol srsly that´s like 12 too much :P
okey annyway.... after the party yesturday i ate kebab pizza <3<3 yum ~ <3<3
i got very many present cards on JC :) so im gonna shop like a crazy person now :P lol (like i dont always do that)
emm, i cant rly think cuz the music is so loud so that i can wake up xP its just 7 in the morning but i have been awake sence 5 x.x
have a nice day <3 cya later <3<3 i´ll talk more when i know my name again <3

My bunny :P okey i know its gay too say bunny and it sounds wierd but i´ll do it annyway xP
Hoppzan is the name of her btw ^_^ she hates the camera .. looks so afraid :C
and she lives in her own huse outside now not inside like on this pic...o.o
Good morning..(night)
i have been sleeping ... nothing tonight... i have huge problems with that..
i ended up with counting my pillows in the middle of the nigt.. i have too many xP
i have 14 pillows in my bed xP lol srsly that´s like 12 too much :P
okey annyway.... after the party yesturday i ate kebab pizza <3<3 yum ~ <3<3
i got very many present cards on JC :) so im gonna shop like a crazy person now :P lol (like i dont always do that)
emm, i cant rly think cuz the music is so loud so that i can wake up xP its just 7 in the morning but i have been awake sence 5 x.x
have a nice day <3 cya later <3<3 i´ll talk more when i know my name again <3

My bunny :P okey i know its gay too say bunny and it sounds wierd but i´ll do it annyway xP
Hoppzan is the name of her btw ^_^ she hates the camera .. looks so afraid :C
and she lives in her own huse outside now not inside like on this pic...o.o