Today ive only been home doing pretty much ''whife'' stuff or better house stuff.. cleaning , making food and other shit x.x not my favorite thing 2 do but yeah..
i´ll make cookies tomorrow so thats good :D
i also did make up o.o i almost never use makup anymore o.o so now when i do i get annoyed cuz of it and my lashes get stuck in my fringe(or water its called .. hair) ... but yeah i´ll get better with the makeup again sence i still LÖVE makeup <3
btw what i havn´t told is that i was in Växjö this saturday with mich :) i didn´t find much both sence i didn´t know what i wand and i have like NOOOO money *cry face*
But i got a new ring,tights and ... something more that i can´t remember now -.- *aigoo*
i´m not gonna say more today i´ll just put up randome pics <3
enjoy <3
Zelo <3 My new computer backround<33 (i had him b4 2 but not same picture ^-^b)
Block B <33 Zico is my favorit but damn U-kwon is nice 2 :D <33
Go *-* that is ********* CRAZY!!! XD
A lá Tablo <33
A little Kevin from U-kiss .. like a girl o.o XP <3
That´s better <3 Kevin like he should be ^-^ <33
Hyungsung abs as an goodbye <33
Btw ppl Miss A´s new song Tuch Mv came out today :) don´t forget 2 watch it <33
Bye bye <33
Today ive only been home doing pretty much ''whife'' stuff or better house stuff.. cleaning , making food and other shit x.x not my favorite thing 2 do but yeah..
i´ll make cookies tomorrow so thats good :D
i also did make up o.o i almost never use makup anymore o.o so now when i do i get annoyed cuz of it and my lashes get stuck in my fringe(or water its called .. hair) ... but yeah i´ll get better with the makeup again sence i still LÖVE makeup <3
btw what i havn´t told is that i was in Växjö this saturday with mich :) i didn´t find much both sence i didn´t know what i wand and i have like NOOOO money *cry face*
But i got a new ring,tights and ... something more that i can´t remember now -.- *aigoo*
i´m not gonna say more today i´ll just put up randome pics <3
enjoy <3

Btw ppl Miss A´s new song Tuch Mv came out today :) don´t forget 2 watch it <33
Bye bye <33