Forever alone
I´m home alone now with mich..
my mum is in stockholm p.o i dunno.. wierd..
yeah but mich came here and stayed yesturday .. we ate some pizza and candy and so :) yey
i´ll make some kind of food now :O i´m starting 2 get hungry :O so...'
i´ll just put some pics and i´ll be back later today :)
Zico Block B <33
Rain :) ^-^
Yoseob <3333
GD <33
CL :) <33
Thunder <33
Gaho and GD = ADORABLE <3<33
Junhyung <33
Jay Park <33
Bye bye now ppl <33 i´m gonna eat fries and CHICKEN with mich now :) :D

Bye ^-^
I´m home alone now with mich..
my mum is in stockholm p.o i dunno.. wierd..
yeah but mich came here and stayed yesturday .. we ate some pizza and candy and so :) yey
i´ll make some kind of food now :O i´m starting 2 get hungry :O so...'
i´ll just put some pics and i´ll be back later today :)

Bye bye now ppl <33 i´m gonna eat fries and CHICKEN with mich now :) :D

Bye ^-^