한극 고 고 고, 하하 아니요 :] ㄴㅇㄴ ^ㅇ^ ...아고! me such a geek :P
안녕하서ㅣ요! :)
Hi evryone !
Today ive been home lazy last day of freedom :''''C WAE???? :'( i don´t wanna go back 2 school :( so sad..
Oh and today i got a reply from the school .. IB internationall Bac (watever xD) ... i can´t even wright it.. and they want me 2 go 2 the school and do a test in english and math in 2 weeks :O OMO!! 어머!어머!어머! i can´t do it :O
Srsly i´m not sure if i should say yes or no 2 it :(
I don´t know any math :( and i don´t speak english WHAT HAVE I DONE ????? o.o
(and yeah i kinda do speak english but not like pro-ish... o.o and many of the people on the school are english or chinese cuz if i go 2 that school i´ll learn chinese ,, speak english 100% in school ,keep going with my german and loads of other hard stuff.... Or i´ll go 2 a kidna ''drawing ish'' thing and have extra song lessons and design .. i´m not sure what will be the best ... *sight*
My biggest dream right now would be 2 get in 2 YG entertainment but sence i´m not korean ,i don´t speak fluent korean, i pretty much suck at dancing xD and i don´t think i sing good enough the chance of that is like ½ in one million :O
So my goal is 2 learn fluent korean and then move 2 korea and live there .. so i´ll have 2 think of what will be the best thing 2 do if i wanna fallow the dreams ... its rly hard so .. yeah :I scary!
Emm tomorrow i´m going 2 아빠(dad) but i don´t know what i´ll do there yet.. i think i wanna get new clothers ? i´m bored with evrything :( gaah i should go 2 japan and go crazy with the sopping :O *-* THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING OMO! .. but .. that aint happening :I +.+'
enough about me already enjoy some of these pics now and C U PPL tomorrow<3
Daesung <33
GD <33
Seungri <33
Yoseob and Doojoon<3
Dara ^-^ (and a la my hairstyle xD)
no more time :( gtg <3
bye <33
Hi evryone !
Today ive been home lazy last day of freedom :''''C WAE???? :'( i don´t wanna go back 2 school :( so sad..
Oh and today i got a reply from the school .. IB internationall Bac (watever xD) ... i can´t even wright it.. and they want me 2 go 2 the school and do a test in english and math in 2 weeks :O OMO!! 어머!어머!어머! i can´t do it :O
Srsly i´m not sure if i should say yes or no 2 it :(
I don´t know any math :( and i don´t speak english WHAT HAVE I DONE ????? o.o
(and yeah i kinda do speak english but not like pro-ish... o.o and many of the people on the school are english or chinese cuz if i go 2 that school i´ll learn chinese ,, speak english 100% in school ,keep going with my german and loads of other hard stuff.... Or i´ll go 2 a kidna ''drawing ish'' thing and have extra song lessons and design .. i´m not sure what will be the best ... *sight*
My biggest dream right now would be 2 get in 2 YG entertainment but sence i´m not korean ,i don´t speak fluent korean, i pretty much suck at dancing xD and i don´t think i sing good enough the chance of that is like ½ in one million :O
So my goal is 2 learn fluent korean and then move 2 korea and live there .. so i´ll have 2 think of what will be the best thing 2 do if i wanna fallow the dreams ... its rly hard so .. yeah :I scary!
Emm tomorrow i´m going 2 아빠(dad) but i don´t know what i´ll do there yet.. i think i wanna get new clothers ? i´m bored with evrything :( gaah i should go 2 japan and go crazy with the sopping :O *-* THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING OMO! .. but .. that aint happening :I +.+'
enough about me already enjoy some of these pics now and C U PPL tomorrow<3

no more time :( gtg <3
bye <33