x.x' aigoo
2 day...
*wake up
*eat chinese food <3
* eat cookies at cofee shop
*eat candy
i feel fat x.x
that´s almost all ive done 2 day.. that´s just 2 sad.. :(
well well....
i´m not gonna talk so i´ll just put up some pics that´s all...:O
lol xD i laugh evey time xD nice lips zelo <3 :P bang haha ^-^
B.A.P <3<3<3 angry zelo <3
wonder girls :) <3<3
Seungho and Lauren :D <3
Lee joon and very unimpressed Dayoung.. stupid girl he told her 2 touch and she just stood there :O she´ll regret later :O :(
gtg now cuz i´m leaving dad´s place and going back home 2 mum.. cya ppl <3
*wake up
*eat chinese food <3
* eat cookies at cofee shop
*eat candy
i feel fat x.x
that´s almost all ive done 2 day.. that´s just 2 sad.. :(
well well....
i´m not gonna talk so i´ll just put up some pics that´s all...:O

gtg now cuz i´m leaving dad´s place and going back home 2 mum.. cya ppl <3