makeup that i forgot ^^
And now some pics/gifs that has nothing 2 do aboout anything :D haha

Now u ppl understand why i don't like were i live.. it's just forest... so so much x.x aigoo
yepp yepp ^^ imma sleep now,,, maybe i should make a REAL post tomorrow ? ^^
let's see :)
bye bye <333
XOXO <3<33<3<3<3<3

Thankyou evryone who still reads my blog even tho i'm basicly NEVER here x.x But just follow me on Youtube at Ichigomz or at tumblr: Mathildaz <3
have it great <33
XOXO <33
Sara me and mich o.o
not sure if u people really wanna see this but if u do , me ,sara and mich did a video while wearing weird make up at 2:30 am.. we did another at 4am but it didn't upload :(
but if u wanna see the wierdness / crazyness go watch it : HERE

these were my TY pics for u people!
TY for watching my videos or just reading my blog <33
imma try work harder with both<3
Bye bye for now <3
some pics .. because i feel like and terrible blogger :'C

heh and now imma get some sleep sence it's already 1.15 am and tomorrow mich and sara will come here for a sleepover o.o so i need some rest..
i'll also say that i'm on my SCHOOL computer now and all these pics are saved on it xD haha and more xD i need 2 remove them before i give my comp back or it's gonna be AWKWARD xD hhahah
well bye bye <3
XOXO <3<33<3<33<33<3