da da da dam dam da da dam
Annyong haseyo <3
so today was first day on our free week :P whoho :)
i was srsly sleeping 11 h tonight xP haha ill be up all night now xP
and yeah,, i realised that u can do loads of shit when ur free my day was ..
Wake up, tv, play with dogs, tv , shower, fix eyebrows, get dressed, play with dogs, fix nails , tv, tv ,tv music music music :O lol xP great day right?
right now i´m stuck in the song : Your love-Cher Lloyd ft Mike posner
i totaly love the start da da da da dam dam da da dam ^_^hah
and her style is awsome ^_^COLOUR :D yey
ohh and btw u know that SNSD/girls generation´s new song The Boys is on 3rd place on youtubes 100 list :) AWSOME <3<3 we like that <3
i like the song but i still like the old OH! and GEE and those better :) hah thats the songs who made me like k-pop so i´ll always love them :D
hmm what more to say? i´ll show u a pic i took of my new shoes today *-* <3 but u cant se the heel :( but annyway :P i´m NOT good at taking pics :P

okey now my head is empty o.o i cant come up with annything to say :( hmm.....
ohhh .. btw WERE DID MY READERS GO? :( some are gone *sadface* i think they became afraid when they saw my back .. they just AHH o.o OMG *run away* lol xP
nah ,, but come back ppl :( or i´ll be sad
okey some more pics then i leave blog :)

thats it 4 today ppl <3 cya tomorrow <3<3 bai bai ~<3
XOXO <3<3 (gossip girl) ;)
Turn it up <3
okey hi ppl <3 im just gonna do one more post b4 i leave computer 4 today :)
so ^_^ ive done .. NOTHING :D sence last time :P lol
but i´m walkung around in my new shous (inside) :P so fun I LOVE HIGH HEELS<3<3<3
i´m running around in them all the time now ^_^ and i become taller :D WHOHO <3 always nice :)
and i dont have much to say ^_^ and now i gtg :( *sadface* so cya ppl <3
dont worry, be happy <3

so ^_^ ive done .. NOTHING :D sence last time :P lol
but i´m walkung around in my new shous (inside) :P so fun I LOVE HIGH HEELS<3<3<3
i´m running around in them all the time now ^_^ and i become taller :D WHOHO <3 always nice :)
and i dont have much to say ^_^ and now i gtg :( *sadface* so cya ppl <3
dont worry, be happy <3

Guten tag alles <3
ich habe .. nein... ......HEY<3
today ive had last 2 ppl here :( i´m mix of sad and happy :o bday is over :) and bday is over :C
and i´m so wanna be Hyuna :O
her song : Bubble pop is so awsome :D i wanna lern the dance :D
and yeah she looks so good :O *JEALOUS*
i´ll show some pics from the awsome video and then some more i just like <3 enjoy<3
u all understand me now right? :O

Okey thats Hyuna ^_^now my other pics i like :D
okey .. sure this one only work if ur girl..or gay :P but if guy u proabably added a girls name in head annyway ^_^
hah :P all girls have done it :P
naw ^_^
okey x.x i was like.. emm what to put up? so this is me with my shirt i was talking about last week? .. or something like that :o
dont lol at me okey? x.x i try 2 hide from blog kinda but somtimes i guess i have 2 show lil? and messy room btw x.x lol ... be nice :o
okey and that´s it 4 now<3 cya later stalkers<3
ich habe .. nein... ......HEY<3
today ive had last 2 ppl here :( i´m mix of sad and happy :o bday is over :) and bday is over :C
and i´m so wanna be Hyuna :O
her song : Bubble pop is so awsome :D i wanna lern the dance :D
and yeah she looks so good :O *JEALOUS*
i´ll show some pics from the awsome video and then some more i just like <3 enjoy<3

Okey thats Hyuna ^_^now my other pics i like :D

dont lol at me okey? x.x i try 2 hide from blog kinda but somtimes i guess i have 2 show lil? and messy room btw x.x lol ... be nice :o
okey and that´s it 4 now<3 cya later stalkers<3
Okey all ppl who likes k-pop JUST HAVE 2 VOTE 4 BIGBANG in EMA awards :D okey?

Song with them <3
Tonight- BIGBANG

Song with them <3
Tonight- BIGBANG
B-day nr 3 :D whoho :P
Hey stalkers <3
okey so today i had my b-day party on mum´s side :)
it was GREAT <3
i saw my cousins that i almost never see ^_^and they gave me hugs wich is very fun cuz they are like 50 cm longer than me :P so i was feeling so smal and silly huging them ^_^ but they are rly nice :D
my and more ppl also ofc :P
they stayed all day :D from 14-20 ^_^
i got rly nice stuff 2 :) cllothers, make-up , shoes :O (extra 5 cm :D) , jewels and more :D i´m happy about it :D
and we ate good to :) so overall a great day :D
hmm thats all ive done today :O hmm :P
tomorrow will 2 more ppl come :) they didnt have time today :( but they come tomorrow :) so i´ll eat good then to :D whoho :P lol (i´m such a fattie :P lol)
hope u all have had a good day 2 :) <3
bye bye <3<3
okey so today i had my b-day party on mum´s side :)
it was GREAT <3
i saw my cousins that i almost never see ^_^and they gave me hugs wich is very fun cuz they are like 50 cm longer than me :P so i was feeling so smal and silly huging them ^_^ but they are rly nice :D
my and more ppl also ofc :P
they stayed all day :D from 14-20 ^_^
i got rly nice stuff 2 :) cllothers, make-up , shoes :O (extra 5 cm :D) , jewels and more :D i´m happy about it :D
and we ate good to :) so overall a great day :D
hmm thats all ive done today :O hmm :P
tomorrow will 2 more ppl come :) they didnt have time today :( but they come tomorrow :) so i´ll eat good then to :D whoho :P lol (i´m such a fattie :P lol)
hope u all have had a good day 2 :) <3
bye bye <3<3
Mich o.o
OKey let´s annoy mich? >:)
so this is mich and now i tell u to look at her blog okey? :D
but she writes in swedish :( but u all can look annyway :D
and i write about her evry now and then so ^_^LOOK :D

okey donno what to say ^_^mich is just mich ^_^ lol evil twin sis? :P
LOOK ON HER BLOG NOW :O i put link ----> there
and here: MIICH
so bye bye ppl <3<3 cya like tomorrow <3
so this is mich and now i tell u to look at her blog okey? :D
but she writes in swedish :( but u all can look annyway :D
and i write about her evry now and then so ^_^LOOK :D

okey donno what to say ^_^mich is just mich ^_^ lol evil twin sis? :P
LOOK ON HER BLOG NOW :O i put link ----> there
and here: MIICH
so bye bye ppl <3<3 cya like tomorrow <3
Bubble pop<3
Okey ppl hi <3
sry i know i´m in very late now :O but ive been baking o.o or something ..
i´m having my last b-day party tomorrow :) awsome :D
so today have been another boring day in school *sadface* BUT the GREAT thing is that we are free ALL WEEK :D YEY YEY YEY WHOHO YEYEYEYEYEY <3<3<3<3<3 *HAPPYFACE*
so i´m happy :D
and i just ate chinese food and 150 g candy :P i´m such a fattie :D LOL
emm i dont know what to say :( i´m sleepy :( but i dont wanna sleep :( I WANNA HAVE MUSIC 24/7<3<3
annyway like these pictures or die :O
btw i´m evil >:) i stole 2 pictures from mich :D hah but she stole them from some1 else.. so xP
enjoy and be happy :D
G-Dragon <3 (picture is suposed to move but didnt wanna work *sadface* my blog is annnnnnnoooyyyiiing :(
annyone rly mind? :P lol
Taeyang :D
I SO WANNA GET THAT HAIR :O but i dont think i would dare to do that :( hmm.. maybe some day? not now :P
and i wanna dress like that :O classy and cute and great :( gimme gimme :O
okey that´s it <3 cya my lovely stalkers <3
sry i know i´m in very late now :O but ive been baking o.o or something ..
i´m having my last b-day party tomorrow :) awsome :D
so today have been another boring day in school *sadface* BUT the GREAT thing is that we are free ALL WEEK :D YEY YEY YEY WHOHO YEYEYEYEYEY <3<3<3<3<3 *HAPPYFACE*
so i´m happy :D
and i just ate chinese food and 150 g candy :P i´m such a fattie :D LOL
emm i dont know what to say :( i´m sleepy :( but i dont wanna sleep :( I WANNA HAVE MUSIC 24/7<3<3
annyway like these pictures or die :O
btw i´m evil >:) i stole 2 pictures from mich :D hah but she stole them from some1 else.. so xP
enjoy and be happy :D

okey that´s it <3 cya my lovely stalkers <3
Baby good night

favorites: Key and Taemin <3<3 cuties ^_^
look picture ^_^haha

okey have a nice night ^_^sweet dreams<3<3
i´m a playgirl <3
Okey hi ppl <3
i wasnt online yesturday cuz i was on town with the girls :)
ofc Mich and sara :P lol
annyway i bought a new dress :D whoho :D a ring and nail varnish :D yey <3<3
that´s always nice <3<3
emm i dont remember what i was gonna write ... and btw my blog is lagging å-å links and shit jumping around all over the place .. i´ll try fix it as fast as i can.. hate that .. :I
and so now i´ll just say that i´m using GD and TOP as my new music drug <3<3
KNOCK OUT<3<3 löööve<3
okey <3<3 so emm.. i´ll just put on some pics then i´ll work with trying to come up what´s the problem with the blog :O <3
have nice <3

(my new comp backround ) <3<3 hah
bye bye ~<3
i wasnt online yesturday cuz i was on town with the girls :)
ofc Mich and sara :P lol
annyway i bought a new dress :D whoho :D a ring and nail varnish :D yey <3<3
that´s always nice <3<3
emm i dont remember what i was gonna write ... and btw my blog is lagging å-å links and shit jumping around all over the place .. i´ll try fix it as fast as i can.. hate that .. :I
and so now i´ll just say that i´m using GD and TOP as my new music drug <3<3
KNOCK OUT<3<3 löööve<3
okey <3<3 so emm.. i´ll just put on some pics then i´ll work with trying to come up what´s the problem with the blog :O <3
have nice <3

bye bye ~<3
I got that SUPA LUV<3
Hi ppl :)
today have been .. normal :( COLD...finaly all dressed for winter :o
i wear Uggs , winter jacket and ear muffs ^_^ lol warm and nice :D
and more fun thing is that some stupid swedes still think its summer so they run around in shorts and i wear all that xP lol it looks kinda fun ^_ but luck i only know ppl who are cold like me :P i feel cold in summer when its 25°c out hah <3<3
okey and some guy was sick and like threw up behind me on the bus OMG :O
i moved lol :P but still afraid that i´ll get sick :O PLS NOT.. i´m going shoping with mich and sara tomorrow so cant be sick :O <3
annyway ^_^ i wanna put up some more pictures today :D and cuz its my blog i´ll do that :P lol
look and be happy ^_^
Nice nails :o i wanna have them :O
*-* so pretty colours
NAAW :D<3<3
:D <3
okey hope u liked it<3<3 cya <3<3XOXO <3<3
bye bye~
today have been .. normal :( COLD...finaly all dressed for winter :o
i wear Uggs , winter jacket and ear muffs ^_^ lol warm and nice :D
and more fun thing is that some stupid swedes still think its summer so they run around in shorts and i wear all that xP lol it looks kinda fun ^_ but luck i only know ppl who are cold like me :P i feel cold in summer when its 25°c out hah <3<3
okey and some guy was sick and like threw up behind me on the bus OMG :O
i moved lol :P but still afraid that i´ll get sick :O PLS NOT.. i´m going shoping with mich and sara tomorrow so cant be sick :O <3
annyway ^_^ i wanna put up some more pictures today :D and cuz its my blog i´ll do that :P lol
look and be happy ^_^

okey hope u liked it<3<3 cya <3<3XOXO <3<3
bye bye~
nan neol salanghae, what more to say?
난 널 사랑해<3
okey i´m home now .. i was in school having boring and then some shopping .. or i got a new eyeliner :) but thats always fun and it was a black one with glitten in it *-* wow <3
and i think i´ll buy a black dress 2,,, its rly nice and my size so i think so,, but i wanna think lil more <3
so yeah here i am... bored... x.x
hope u all have had a nice day annyway <3 bye bye <3<3
or maybe i should put some pics?.. ye .. now i .. write 4 myself.. how very sad.. annyway look at these pics and be happy oki? <3
like <3
CUTE 10 of 10 <3
to true :( haha
i wanna eat <3 yum *-*
haha xP also true :P
bye bye ppl <3<3 XOXO
okey i´m home now .. i was in school having boring and then some shopping .. or i got a new eyeliner :) but thats always fun and it was a black one with glitten in it *-* wow <3
and i think i´ll buy a black dress 2,,, its rly nice and my size so i think so,, but i wanna think lil more <3
so yeah here i am... bored... x.x
hope u all have had a nice day annyway <3 bye bye <3<3
or maybe i should put some pics?.. ye .. now i .. write 4 myself.. how very sad.. annyway look at these pics and be happy oki? <3

bye bye ppl <3<3 XOXO
skola är ikke roligt *sadface*
Okey hi ppl :o
i´m in school now :( just had .. emm sewing(?????) ...i donno how to say it,, i´m making a One piese(Kigurumi)
so yeah ^_^ it´s not rly going well but i´ll do my best to get a good grade :D
and btw i´m FREEEZING :C i think it was 2°c when i woke up at 6.45 . i wanna leave sweden and live in Thailand or korea .. or maybe usa... annything exept sweden :D kinda..
i´m on a 30 minutes brake now so i ran here :) lol
sad or what? but its boring to just sit and look in a corner :o so :P
hope u all have a good day :) i´ll be back later <3<3
XOXO <3<3
i´m in school now :( just had .. emm sewing(?????) ...i donno how to say it,, i´m making a One piese(Kigurumi)
so yeah ^_^ it´s not rly going well but i´ll do my best to get a good grade :D
and btw i´m FREEEZING :C i think it was 2°c when i woke up at 6.45 . i wanna leave sweden and live in Thailand or korea .. or maybe usa... annything exept sweden :D kinda..
i´m on a 30 minutes brake now so i ran here :) lol
sad or what? but its boring to just sit and look in a corner :o so :P
hope u all have a good day :) i´ll be back later <3<3
XOXO <3<3
I walk and walk but i never reach you
Okey today dad made me walk in woods,,, i jump out of car walk one meter and POOF i fall down,, great
i was sad/mad all the time complaining ,, good i hate woods :(
i wanna move :(
annyway have a good day i´ll write more whent i´m home at mum´s again cya<3<3
i was sad/mad all the time complaining ,, good i hate woods :(
i wanna move :(
annyway have a good day i´ll write more whent i´m home at mum´s again cya<3<3
캡 - 천지 - 엘조 - 니엘 - 리키 - 창조
Annyong haseyo <3<3
향수뿌리지마 - 방민수, 이찬희, 이병헌, 안다니엘, 유창현, 최종현 <3<3<3
no hah just joking im not gonna make a all korean post ^_^
btw what i said was : No more parfume on you (its a song ^^ ) and all the ppl in the group Teen top´s name ^_^
so yeah <3<3 so cute <3<3
i wanna learn better korean so that i can speak it like english :( not perfect but i can tell what i wanna :)
and im gonna be honest ^_^
and wierd thing is that rly evryone is good :O normaly theres always one who is fail but no :D yey <3 its cuz teen top are young and best ;P hah maybe? ,,, <3
but i still think my favorits are C.A.P (캡) and Changjo (창조) i think ^_^ its hard 2 tell when all is that good :D
okey now i´ll go eat <3<3 bye bye ppl <3<3 cya later i think <3<3

November 16, 1995 (age 15)<3
November 4, 1992 (age 18) <3
향수뿌리지마 - 방민수, 이찬희, 이병헌, 안다니엘, 유창현, 최종현 <3<3<3
no hah just joking im not gonna make a all korean post ^_^
btw what i said was : No more parfume on you (its a song ^^ ) and all the ppl in the group Teen top´s name ^_^
so yeah <3<3 so cute <3<3
i wanna learn better korean so that i can speak it like english :( not perfect but i can tell what i wanna :)
and im gonna be honest ^_^
and wierd thing is that rly evryone is good :O normaly theres always one who is fail but no :D yey <3 its cuz teen top are young and best ;P hah maybe? ,,, <3
but i still think my favorits are C.A.P (캡) and Changjo (창조) i think ^_^ its hard 2 tell when all is that good :D
okey now i´ll go eat <3<3 bye bye ppl <3<3 cya later i think <3<3

kiss me til´ ur drunk
Okey hi ~_~ i´m sleepy :(
well.. today i was on town looking at clothers and eating at some coffe place .. after that i whent home 2 sara and i kinda just came home again :O
we watched ''Vampires Suck'' LOL its awsome :P lol
so fail hah xP
*lol irl*
hope u all feel good? ur quiet :P lol all coment to my face or in chatt lol :P well i dont mind xP fun 2 hear what my lovely stalkers say ^_^
emm ,, yeah what to say?
i drug this song '' Supa Luv - Teen top'' i like it ^_^
and also '' Knockout GD ft TOP''
u should listen <3
have a nice night.. go sleep now or something :o imma listen to some more music :D <3
bye bye ppl <3<3

LMFAO OMG HAHAHAH xP hahahahha lol
i have bad humor? maybe but i atleast have fun lol xP
hehe :P bling up* <3
bah bah <3<3 XOXO <33<3
Edit: btw this is my 100th or something thing i write whoho :D if u have been a stalker long time u have readen 100 of there shit :O omg ...
well.. today i was on town looking at clothers and eating at some coffe place .. after that i whent home 2 sara and i kinda just came home again :O
we watched ''Vampires Suck'' LOL its awsome :P lol
so fail hah xP
*lol irl*
hope u all feel good? ur quiet :P lol all coment to my face or in chatt lol :P well i dont mind xP fun 2 hear what my lovely stalkers say ^_^
emm ,, yeah what to say?
i drug this song '' Supa Luv - Teen top'' i like it ^_^
and also '' Knockout GD ft TOP''
u should listen <3
have a nice night.. go sleep now or something :o imma listen to some more music :D <3
bye bye ppl <3<3

LMFAO OMG HAHAHAH xP hahahahha lol
i have bad humor? maybe but i atleast have fun lol xP

bah bah <3<3 XOXO <33<3
Edit: btw this is my 100th or something thing i write whoho :D if u have been a stalker long time u have readen 100 of there shit :O omg ...
eating cookies 24/7 ,, i´ll become fat :O
Okey hi , i´m home from mich now ^_^ i whent there after school and we made cookies and listened to music :D yey<3<3
hope u all have had a good day <3 i dont have time or energi to write more today so cya tomorrow <3<3

hope u all have had a good day <3 i dont have time or energi to write more today so cya tomorrow <3<3

cha cha bloggen <3
okey hi ppl :)
yesturday i was home sick.. nothing fun.. homeworks :(
annyway.. i was back in school today on a CHILL DAY :D whoho :D
We had like 2 lessons and whent to cinnema?(think that what u say?)
after that we quit school and left shopping :D found new nailpolish and some hair thing ^_^
so happy me now kinda :P
hope u all have had a good day ^_^
and enjoy this picture ^_^

bye ppl cya<3
yesturday i was home sick.. nothing fun.. homeworks :(
annyway.. i was back in school today on a CHILL DAY :D whoho :D
We had like 2 lessons and whent to cinnema?(think that what u say?)
after that we quit school and left shopping :D found new nailpolish and some hair thing ^_^
so happy me now kinda :P
hope u all have had a good day ^_^
and enjoy this picture ^_^

bye ppl cya<3
it´s friday friday ... or not
okey hi ppl :)
today i was in school til' 12 or something then we left and ate pancakes at mich´s place :D YUM YUM <3<3<3
then we whent to sara´s place and made our own ''music video'' LOL xP
or not rly video,,, more parody lol :P very fail :P
but it was rly fun and cold :O it was like 5 outside and we were dressed in summer clothers :P lol
hope evryone have had a good day<3<3

Lottie = smal white one ^_^MINE <3
and Izzie= the bigthing :P mum´s :P
cya .. sometime o.o
bye bye ~
today i was in school til' 12 or something then we left and ate pancakes at mich´s place :D YUM YUM <3<3<3
then we whent to sara´s place and made our own ''music video'' LOL xP
or not rly video,,, more parody lol :P very fail :P
but it was rly fun and cold :O it was like 5 outside and we were dressed in summer clothers :P lol
hope evryone have had a good day<3<3

Lottie = smal white one ^_^MINE <3
and Izzie= the bigthing :P mum´s :P
cya .. sometime o.o
bye bye ~
Rainie Yang

Okey hi ppl again ^_^
today have been all about make-up and clothers <3<3 me like<3
and after that i was out in very ugly clothers too clean 4 the bunny :P i couldnt stop lol about how ugly it was with great make-up on face and extreme ugly clothers and my mum´s rain shoes xP lol
annyway picture is from my B-day :o
mich is purple i´m white and sara black (sounds fun lik mich is an alien) lol
and the beautiful necklase i got from mich u see there 2 :D<3<3<3 not much but little ^_^
BYE PPL <3<3<3
Boys boys boys ;P
Okey i just listen too korean music 24/7 right now <3<3
i´m love with Mir and Joon in Mblaq ;P
so i´m just gonna put up some good songs here now<3<3 listen and be happy :D<3<3
( Joon Mblaq ^_^)
(Mir Mblaq)
I could show more songs but not now ^_^
and btw F.CUS wanna be your love is so the cutest song ever ^_^ NAAW :D sugar sweet ^_^
have a good day ^_^ cya<3<3<3
i´m love with Mir and Joon in Mblaq ;P
so i´m just gonna put up some good songs here now<3<3 listen and be happy :D<3<3
SHINee RingDingDong
F.CUZ- Wanna be your Love

I could show more songs but not now ^_^
and btw F.CUS wanna be your love is so the cutest song ever ^_^ NAAW :D sugar sweet ^_^
have a good day ^_^ cya<3<3<3
Don't u let me go tonight
Okey good day ppl :O <3<3
today i´m not rly gonna do annything..maybe homeworks and chill just o.o yey fun..
annyway gonna put up some more pics today <3<3 hope u like it<3<3

(wanna have sooo bad o.o :D)
okey :P that´s life how i see it :D <3<3 cya leter<3<3
today i´m not rly gonna do annything..maybe homeworks and chill just o.o yey fun..
annyway gonna put up some more pics today <3<3 hope u like it<3<3

okey :P that´s life how i see it :D <3<3 cya leter<3<3
bye bye :C
okey dont have time too write more today <3 back tomorrow<3
Welcome 2 the good life
Hello ppl<3
okey i have had nothing too say lately and i have so much homeworks .. sick of that shit :C
annyway yesturday ALL SCHOOL was in some new buil bath house.. it was kinda fun :O u know works..
and today normal school with a funny test x-x omg hate.. i have no idea how it whent but i hope for a good grade now :I i soooo need it :I
okey i dont have much too say :( i just ate some pizza :D whoho :D lovin´ it <3
i´ll be back later so cya soon readers <3
okey i have had nothing too say lately and i have so much homeworks .. sick of that shit :C
annyway yesturday ALL SCHOOL was in some new buil bath house.. it was kinda fun :O u know works..
and today normal school with a funny test x-x omg hate.. i have no idea how it whent but i hope for a good grade now :I i soooo need it :I
okey i dont have much too say :( i just ate some pizza :D whoho :D lovin´ it <3
i´ll be back later so cya soon readers <3
I´m Hot hot hot fire
annyong <3<3
okey so today i have gotten one football in my head,, not fun :'(
and emm... i forgot what i did today :C sadface...
i made food that was too old,, so i had too do same thing 2 times :C
not a great day 4 me :P
but still happy and extremly sleepy :P hah like always <3<3
i wanna chill now so... cya tomorrow ,, omg i cant think o.o
okey so today i have gotten one football in my head,, not fun :'(
and emm... i forgot what i did today :C sadface...
i made food that was too old,, so i had too do same thing 2 times :C
not a great day 4 me :P
but still happy and extremly sleepy :P hah like always <3<3
i wanna chill now so... cya tomorrow ,, omg i cant think o.o
Billion dollar baby<3

LOVE <3<3<3<3<3
I WANNA BE HER <3<3<3<3
Yo Amigos <3 :P
yeah like i said : Yo AMIGOS ,.... or something xP lol
so yesturday Sara,Mich came too me and we took pics,ate unhealthy food, had fun and other shit :P
after they left i whent with dad and his GF too some show.. rly random... but well well :P
and today was school again *sadface* weekend is way too short :(
after school today i whent too das town with mich and sara...( i spend too much time with them xO lol)
and i found i rly nice shirt with ... like no back.. so u see my back and it´s lika normal t-shirt on the front ^_^like it
and a necklase and a ... emm .. cant remember name off it :C.. the jewels u have on you arm xP lol
and ofc a marabou ;P hah<3<3
emmm... music now... what a suprise :P hah <3
Song: Oh yeah with Mblaq
likie likie :P
okay maybe write more later if i have time o.o i have like 1 000 000 homeworks that i havn´t done x.x OPS
so i have too do some off them now... and read a book on less than one day... GOOD LUCK ME x.x omg
cya later<3<33
BYE <3<3
so yesturday Sara,Mich came too me and we took pics,ate unhealthy food, had fun and other shit :P
after they left i whent with dad and his GF too some show.. rly random... but well well :P
and today was school again *sadface* weekend is way too short :(
after school today i whent too das town with mich and sara...( i spend too much time with them xO lol)
and i found i rly nice shirt with ... like no back.. so u see my back and it´s lika normal t-shirt on the front ^_^like it
and a necklase and a ... emm .. cant remember name off it :C.. the jewels u have on you arm xP lol
and ofc a marabou ;P hah<3<3
emmm... music now... what a suprise :P hah <3
Song: Oh yeah with Mblaq
likie likie :P
okay maybe write more later if i have time o.o i have like 1 000 000 homeworks that i havn´t done x.x OPS
so i have too do some off them now... and read a book on less than one day... GOOD LUCK ME x.x omg
cya later<3<33
BYE <3<3
I´m crazy but you like it
*walking in sleep*
Good morning..(night)
i have been sleeping ... nothing tonight... i have huge problems with that..
i ended up with counting my pillows in the middle of the nigt.. i have too many xP
i have 14 pillows in my bed xP lol srsly that´s like 12 too much :P
okey annyway.... after the party yesturday i ate kebab pizza <3<3 yum ~ <3<3
i got very many present cards on JC :) so im gonna shop like a crazy person now :P lol (like i dont always do that)
emm, i cant rly think cuz the music is so loud so that i can wake up xP its just 7 in the morning but i have been awake sence 5 x.x
have a nice day <3 cya later <3<3 i´ll talk more when i know my name again <3

My bunny :P okey i know its gay too say bunny and it sounds wierd but i´ll do it annyway xP
Hoppzan is the name of her btw ^_^ she hates the camera .. looks so afraid :C
and she lives in her own huse outside now not inside like on this pic...o.o
Good morning..(night)
i have been sleeping ... nothing tonight... i have huge problems with that..
i ended up with counting my pillows in the middle of the nigt.. i have too many xP
i have 14 pillows in my bed xP lol srsly that´s like 12 too much :P
okey annyway.... after the party yesturday i ate kebab pizza <3<3 yum ~ <3<3
i got very many present cards on JC :) so im gonna shop like a crazy person now :P lol (like i dont always do that)
emm, i cant rly think cuz the music is so loud so that i can wake up xP its just 7 in the morning but i have been awake sence 5 x.x
have a nice day <3 cya later <3<3 i´ll talk more when i know my name again <3

My bunny :P okey i know its gay too say bunny and it sounds wierd but i´ll do it annyway xP
Hoppzan is the name of her btw ^_^ she hates the camera .. looks so afraid :C
and she lives in her own huse outside now not inside like on this pic...o.o
eat eat fat fat nom nom ~*~
okey <3 my b-day party starts in 20 min and now i´m gonna eat ,,
well planed xP lol <3<3<3
hope u ppl have had a nice day <3<3<3 i talk more after the party <3<3
and ... stalker if u read this u can´t come too my party ;p lol
cya <3<3<3<3<3

well planed xP lol <3<3<3
hope u ppl have had a nice day <3<3<3 i talk more after the party <3<3
and ... stalker if u read this u can´t come too my party ;p lol
cya <3<3<3<3<3

La gente esta muy loca!
Guten morgen meine.. no... my german sucks :P
annyway hi ppl <3
i have been up for over 3 h already :D
and i just came home too dad :) and ate breakfast xP lol
so. today is b-day party nr1 ,,, :P (dad´s family)
i have too coment that i didn´t wish for annything this year xP so i wonder what i´ll get :o hmm who knows?
so now i have too help out here home with making the already extreamly clean house cleaner o.o hmm..
hope u all have a nice day <3<3 i´ll write more later ^_^
btw i start feeling wierd about this blog :P feels like u ppl is reading my diary :P hah .. annyway i stand for the things i say here ^_^i think.... lol
bye bye <3<3 cya later<33<3
Edit: hey halo my lil blog stalker :P so done ^_^ said hi now :P
annyway hi ppl <3
i have been up for over 3 h already :D
and i just came home too dad :) and ate breakfast xP lol
so. today is b-day party nr1 ,,, :P (dad´s family)
i have too coment that i didn´t wish for annything this year xP so i wonder what i´ll get :o hmm who knows?
so now i have too help out here home with making the already extreamly clean house cleaner o.o hmm..
hope u all have a nice day <3<3 i´ll write more later ^_^
btw i start feeling wierd about this blog :P feels like u ppl is reading my diary :P hah .. annyway i stand for the things i say here ^_^i think.... lol
bye bye <3<3 cya later<33<3
Edit: hey halo my lil blog stalker :P so done ^_^ said hi now :P
TGIF ... and POOF it´s gone :C
okey hi i´m back <3
i have eaten chinese food :D yum yum ~ <3
now i use my drug again (music) ^_^<3<3<3
and i was suposed to show clothers ,, but i´m 2 sleepy :( sorry <3<3<3
good night ppl <3 sleep tight :P <3
all love<3
xoxo <3<3
okey.. just some clothers.. i´m bored annyway xP
OMG GIVE ME <3<3 i´m in love with these shorts <3<3<3

okey what too say? ^_^
just like <3

How can annyone not like this? :D <3<3

* Lillamz just liked this photo *
okey that wasn´t rly clothers :P hah but still like ^_^<3
bye bye <3
POOF ._.
i have eaten chinese food :D yum yum ~ <3
now i use my drug again (music) ^_^<3<3<3
and i was suposed to show clothers ,, but i´m 2 sleepy :( sorry <3<3<3
good night ppl <3 sleep tight :P <3
all love<3
xoxo <3<3
okey.. just some clothers.. i´m bored annyway xP

okey what too say? ^_^
just like <3

How can annyone not like this? :D <3<3

* Lillamz just liked this photo *
okey that wasn´t rly clothers :P hah but still like ^_^<3
bye bye <3
POOF ._.
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’
me I’m pretty
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face tellin’
me I’m pretty
I think I’m ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don’t lie to my face cuz I know
I’m ugly
FOOD <3<3
hi evryone <3<3 i´m soon going in too town too get some nice food :D yey <3<3
Bara ba ba ba i´m livin' it.
annyway <3 gonna make one more post today with some nice clothers <3<3
so cya later <3<3<3

Bara ba ba ba i´m livin' it.
annyway <3 gonna make one more post today with some nice clothers <3<3
so cya later <3<3<3

All About Tonight
hello lovely ppl <3 and cookie(brownie) .. i guess? x.x
annyway<3 yesturday was my bday <3<3<3 yeey <3<3
and no i´m hot happy that it was my b-day i´m happy its over :D hehe
in school we were running out in the woods all day -.- not fun :C
and after that i whent home to mich to celebrate with here <3
she gave me a beautiful necklase with healig pover and love power :D works? i´ll try ^_^
and a statue off Buddha ^^ <3 me like <3
My b-day party is this saturday,sunday and next saturday ^_^
dads family, friends, mums family
heh ^_^<3
yesturday was fine.. :)
i would love too skip the woods now 4 the rest off this month :P but that´s it :)
okey i can´t come up with annything too say in the moment :I <3<3
but all have a nice day<3<3<3

annyway<3 yesturday was my bday <3<3<3 yeey <3<3
and no i´m hot happy that it was my b-day i´m happy its over :D hehe
in school we were running out in the woods all day -.- not fun :C
and after that i whent home to mich to celebrate with here <3
she gave me a beautiful necklase with healig pover and love power :D works? i´ll try ^_^
and a statue off Buddha ^^ <3 me like <3
My b-day party is this saturday,sunday and next saturday ^_^
dads family, friends, mums family
heh ^_^<3
yesturday was fine.. :)
i would love too skip the woods now 4 the rest off this month :P but that´s it :)
okey i can´t come up with annything too say in the moment :I <3<3
but all have a nice day<3<3<3

The world is mine <3
the day have been another with the musical at the hotel ^_^
u all know already <3
and,,,, tomorrow is my B-day ... yey x.x
i´ll suicide..
dränka min sorg med godis och musik <3 yey
2ne1 <3
F.CUZ <3
(press the song names too listen ^_^<3 heh <3 )
BYE <3
the day have been another with the musical at the hotel ^_^
u all know already <3
and,,,, tomorrow is my B-day ... yey x.x
i´ll suicide..
dränka min sorg med godis och musik <3 yey


(press the song names too listen ^_^<3 heh <3 )
BYE <3
i´m gonna smile cuz i deserve too
hi ppl <3
today... well today have been good :D
this new girl came too the class and i was her ''trenslator'' so i´m stuck in english now ;P hehe
no not rly but i think it´s more fun too type in english so i´ll try a lil now :P
but if u ppl want me too go back to swedish or that i get sick of english i´ll go back :P hehe
annyway .. the new girls name is Nijolé but she´s called Nellie cuz kinda noone can say her real name :P lol
but she´s nice :) she´s only gonna be in gym and music class so... she´s from .. em Litauen LOL i can´t even spell it in swedish xP
and she´s 16 years ..
and now.. we have been planing the musical all day in our towns biggest hotel :) kinda nice too leave school u know :D
and for lunch me,sara and mich ate thai food :D yum yum <3
i´m sorry about my awfull english xP lol
but it´s good that i write it here cuz that might make me better<3 right?
have a nice da <3 and Cya tomorrow <3<3

The pic is off my guitars :P emm or well i only have the back one now ^_^
it´s kinda old :P i don´t have that green thing eather now :P gone <3
randome pic i know xO
bye~ <3
today... well today have been good :D
this new girl came too the class and i was her ''trenslator'' so i´m stuck in english now ;P hehe
no not rly but i think it´s more fun too type in english so i´ll try a lil now :P
but if u ppl want me too go back to swedish or that i get sick of english i´ll go back :P hehe
annyway .. the new girls name is Nijolé but she´s called Nellie cuz kinda noone can say her real name :P lol
but she´s nice :) she´s only gonna be in gym and music class so... she´s from .. em Litauen LOL i can´t even spell it in swedish xP
and she´s 16 years ..
and now.. we have been planing the musical all day in our towns biggest hotel :) kinda nice too leave school u know :D
and for lunch me,sara and mich ate thai food :D yum yum <3
i´m sorry about my awfull english xP lol
but it´s good that i write it here cuz that might make me better<3 right?
have a nice da <3 and Cya tomorrow <3<3

The pic is off my guitars :P emm or well i only have the back one now ^_^
it´s kinda old :P i don´t have that green thing eather now :P gone <3
randome pic i know xO
bye~ <3
i´m just trying too be happy
So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground?
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
'Cause I'm just trying to be happy, ya
Just wanna be happy, ya

So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground?
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about all the pain in front of me
'Cause I'm just trying to be happy, ya
Just wanna be happy, ya

Leona Lewis - Happy
Lose yourself in the music
Hej alla<3
Idag va det skola igen <3 helk ok :)
Vanliga ni vet <3
imorgon och onsdag ska vi slippa skolan och vara i stadens mest poppis hotel för att planera den stora showen som vi ska ha senare i år :O OMG scary men sjukt kul <3
annyway <3 tänkte lägga in en stilspecial nu ? :O
va så länge sedan nu :C och bloggen va ju från början bara för att visa stilbilder lol :P
så jag känner mig ganska fail nu :C <3 men kolla och njut .. eller nått xP lol
FASHIONWEEK JAPAN startar jag med <3<3 lööve <3


and we end this with the normal .....

LOVE IT <3<3<3
love you<3
love life<3
live by that and u´ll feel like that<3
don´t worry, be happy<3<3
Idag va det skola igen <3 helk ok :)
Vanliga ni vet <3
imorgon och onsdag ska vi slippa skolan och vara i stadens mest poppis hotel för att planera den stora showen som vi ska ha senare i år :O OMG scary men sjukt kul <3
annyway <3 tänkte lägga in en stilspecial nu ? :O
va så länge sedan nu :C och bloggen va ju från början bara för att visa stilbilder lol :P
så jag känner mig ganska fail nu :C <3 men kolla och njut .. eller nått xP lol
FASHIONWEEK JAPAN startar jag med <3<3 lööve <3


and we end this with the normal .....

LOVE IT <3<3<3
love you<3
love life<3
live by that and u´ll feel like that<3
don´t worry, be happy<3<3
Skylar Grey <3

Even when I'm walking on a wire
Even when I set myself on fire
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
Everyday I try to look my best
Even though inside I'm such a mess
Why do I always feel invisible, invisible
*smile* i love my haters too <3
hej alla <3
Dagen har varit vanlig typ.. eller nej inte riktigt men inget konstigt.. hmm
shoppade lite idag :)
jag fyller ju år på torsdag :O wow o.o 15 år .. shit är gammal och gråhårig snart :')
Annyway :) fick ett par nya svarta jeans från min moster idag :D yey
kom från bikbok <3 obs att jag blev glad att jag kunde hitta i min storlek det är hopplöst att hitta jeans till mig eftersom jag måste ha så små :I men jag hittade i stolek xxs :P lol
hittade även en jacka på lindex som inköptes :) skönt jag hatar att köpa vinterjackor men nu är det klart :)
hittade den i storlek 34 hade kanske blivit glad om det funnits 32 i vanliga affärer asså :I
men den passade :o wow inte vanligt att ha sånn tur :)
köpte oxå ny ring ,, med 3 sånna .. saker .. visar bild där nere :p den va snygg iallafall :D
fikade och mamma,syster och moster och efter det lånade vi hem 3 filmer och köpte massa godis ^_^
filmerna va ''Water for elephants'' ''Easy A'' och '' No strings attached''
Vi såg bara Water4elephants idag men den va sjukt bra :D
love it . 5 av 5 hjärtan <3<3<3<3<3
va kul att se Robert P i ev annan roll än Edward och Reese som smartare och mognare än hon va i leagaly blonde ^_^ hehe <3 kul att se Robert skratta utan att se läskig ut ;P
Nu har jag varit tråkig nog så nu slutar jag skriva<3 hoppas alla har haft en bra dag <3 KRAM <3<3<3
My new ring<3
glad :D<3
Dagen har varit vanlig typ.. eller nej inte riktigt men inget konstigt.. hmm
shoppade lite idag :)
jag fyller ju år på torsdag :O wow o.o 15 år .. shit är gammal och gråhårig snart :')
Annyway :) fick ett par nya svarta jeans från min moster idag :D yey
kom från bikbok <3 obs att jag blev glad att jag kunde hitta i min storlek det är hopplöst att hitta jeans till mig eftersom jag måste ha så små :I men jag hittade i stolek xxs :P lol
hittade även en jacka på lindex som inköptes :) skönt jag hatar att köpa vinterjackor men nu är det klart :)
hittade den i storlek 34 hade kanske blivit glad om det funnits 32 i vanliga affärer asså :I
men den passade :o wow inte vanligt att ha sånn tur :)
köpte oxå ny ring ,, med 3 sånna .. saker .. visar bild där nere :p den va snygg iallafall :D
fikade och mamma,syster och moster och efter det lånade vi hem 3 filmer och köpte massa godis ^_^
filmerna va ''Water for elephants'' ''Easy A'' och '' No strings attached''
Vi såg bara Water4elephants idag men den va sjukt bra :D
love it . 5 av 5 hjärtan <3<3<3<3<3
va kul att se Robert P i ev annan roll än Edward och Reese som smartare och mognare än hon va i leagaly blonde ^_^ hehe <3 kul att se Robert skratta utan att se läskig ut ;P
Nu har jag varit tråkig nog så nu slutar jag skriva<3 hoppas alla har haft en bra dag <3 KRAM <3<3<3