Eargasm...... x 10 o.o
So Mv nr 2 with bigbang is out now :)
i was annoyed when i started comp ... first thing i do when i come online is ALWAYS youtube <33
and in news i see the awsome BIGBANG BAD BOY M/V and i´m just like
So i start the mv and first thing i see is GD and i hear him go AHH ~
so it ended up with me having a new favorit song *-* <33
WOW !! I lööve those bad boys <33

that´s how i looked kinda seeing the MV :P
Lol but srsly i become rly rly happy XD
i should make a rection vieo cuz my reaction is pure fangirl and happiness :D <33<3
Music is life <33
<333 :'P
i don´t have any pics of the mv yet but just look <33
i´ll put up a song list with their new songs under here <33
i´m listening though them right now <33
but i don´t have time 2 put up all but some :( but they only have 2 mv´s so other is just songs :(
but cya ppl <33Enjoy bigbang <333 2012 is bigbang´s year <33
XOXO <33<3<33
i was annoyed when i started comp ... first thing i do when i come online is ALWAYS youtube <33
and in news i see the awsome BIGBANG BAD BOY M/V and i´m just like

So i start the mv and first thing i see is GD and i hear him go AHH ~
so it ended up with me having a new favorit song *-* <33
WOW !! I lööve those bad boys <33

Lol but srsly i become rly rly happy XD
i should make a rection vieo cuz my reaction is pure fangirl and happiness :D <33<3
Music is life <33

i don´t have any pics of the mv yet but just look <33
i´ll put up a song list with their new songs under here <33
i´m listening though them right now <33
but i don´t have time 2 put up all but some :( but they only have 2 mv´s so other is just songs :(
BigBang - Fantastic Baby
i gtg now :(<33but cya ppl <33Enjoy bigbang <333 2012 is bigbang´s year <33
XOXO <33<3<33
Just having sweding in the school p.p
Yeah hi <33
i´m in school in a computer room with mich listening 2 MBLAQ it´s war :D yeye
and writing in english.... this is such a good swedish lesson :D
we have no swedish teacher today cuz she´s sick so the other randome guy here can´t rly tell us what 2 do :P
and same thing was in the gymnastic (or watever) class :P we danced little then talked :D
I´ll have some more boring school soon so cya later :O
btw i´m so so so hungry :'( but there´s not food until 12 :'(
one more hour in school b4 food :'( *CRY FACE*
Have a awsome day evryone ^-^b
and yeah cya later <3
Hey evryone <3
sry i didn´t make any post yesturday but i was 2 lazy/sleepy :(
anyway CL had birthday yesturday <333 yey <33 congrats 2 her <33 The one and only badest female <33
And today school...... again.. like always :'(
boring boring boring :(<33
And after school mich,sara unnis and me went home 2 mich :)
nice nice! ^-^<33
and i came home like 19.30 or something :O yup yup ^-¨<3
Sara unni 16 <33 Happy b-day <33
i sadly have 2 go like now so only 1-2 pics :'( then bye :( GAAAH WHY MUM WHY?? xd
whe whon´t let me stay :(
CL ^-^<33
Tablo <3
Gongchan (B1A4) <33
Bye ppl <3
sry i didn´t make any post yesturday but i was 2 lazy/sleepy :(
anyway CL had birthday yesturday <333 yey <33 congrats 2 her <33 The one and only badest female <33
And today school...... again.. like always :'(
boring boring boring :(<33
And after school mich,sara unnis and me went home 2 mich :)
nice nice! ^-^<33
and i came home like 19.30 or something :O yup yup ^-¨<3
Sara unni 16 <33 Happy b-day <33
i sadly have 2 go like now so only 1-2 pics :'( then bye :( GAAAH WHY MUM WHY?? xd
whe whon´t let me stay :(

Bye ppl <3
i hate cc subtitles on youtube!
hi evryone!
today ive been 2 town but i didn´t find anything and i didn´t rly feel in the mood 4 finding anything anyway..
ive been feeling pretty bad all day. not like sick bad but just bla ish :(
Now i´m drop dead sleepy +.+'
but yeah i decided 2 go here still cuz i´m 2 sleapy 2 read the sup on 2ne1 tv..
i´m on season 2 now but only 2ne1 original chanel have it uploaded and with cc subtitle.. x.x'
cc subtitle works on this comp that i have 4 days a month at dad´s place but it doesnt work on my com at mum so i´m just like -.- GAAH why??
i rly wanna see 2ne1 tv but it´s gonna be annoying if i can´t understand x.x
so i don´t know what 2 do yet... i whont be able 2 see all season 2 tomorrow o.o right?
gaah stop with cc subtitle ppl.. I HATE IT!

i´m gonna go sleep soon i think x.x
bye bye ppl !
i´ll try write something better tomorrow! cya <33
today ive been 2 town but i didn´t find anything and i didn´t rly feel in the mood 4 finding anything anyway..
ive been feeling pretty bad all day. not like sick bad but just bla ish :(
Now i´m drop dead sleepy +.+'
but yeah i decided 2 go here still cuz i´m 2 sleapy 2 read the sup on 2ne1 tv..
i´m on season 2 now but only 2ne1 original chanel have it uploaded and with cc subtitle.. x.x'
cc subtitle works on this comp that i have 4 days a month at dad´s place but it doesnt work on my com at mum so i´m just like -.- GAAH why??
i rly wanna see 2ne1 tv but it´s gonna be annoying if i can´t understand x.x
so i don´t know what 2 do yet... i whont be able 2 see all season 2 tomorrow o.o right?
gaah stop with cc subtitle ppl.. I HATE IT!

i´m gonna go sleep soon i think x.x
bye bye ppl !
i´ll try write something better tomorrow! cya <33
한극 고 고 고, 하하 아니요 :] ㄴㅇㄴ ^ㅇ^ ...아고! me such a geek :P
안녕하서ㅣ요! :)
Hi evryone !
Today ive been home lazy last day of freedom :''''C WAE???? :'( i don´t wanna go back 2 school :( so sad..
Oh and today i got a reply from the school .. IB internationall Bac (watever xD) ... i can´t even wright it.. and they want me 2 go 2 the school and do a test in english and math in 2 weeks :O OMO!! 어머!어머!어머! i can´t do it :O
Srsly i´m not sure if i should say yes or no 2 it :(
I don´t know any math :( and i don´t speak english WHAT HAVE I DONE ????? o.o
(and yeah i kinda do speak english but not like pro-ish... o.o and many of the people on the school are english or chinese cuz if i go 2 that school i´ll learn chinese ,, speak english 100% in school ,keep going with my german and loads of other hard stuff.... Or i´ll go 2 a kidna ''drawing ish'' thing and have extra song lessons and design .. i´m not sure what will be the best ... *sight*
My biggest dream right now would be 2 get in 2 YG entertainment but sence i´m not korean ,i don´t speak fluent korean, i pretty much suck at dancing xD and i don´t think i sing good enough the chance of that is like ½ in one million :O
So my goal is 2 learn fluent korean and then move 2 korea and live there .. so i´ll have 2 think of what will be the best thing 2 do if i wanna fallow the dreams ... its rly hard so .. yeah :I scary!
Emm tomorrow i´m going 2 아빠(dad) but i don´t know what i´ll do there yet.. i think i wanna get new clothers ? i´m bored with evrything :( gaah i should go 2 japan and go crazy with the sopping :O *-* THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING OMO! .. but .. that aint happening :I +.+'
enough about me already enjoy some of these pics now and C U PPL tomorrow<3
Daesung <33
GD <33
Seungri <33
Yoseob and Doojoon<3
Dara ^-^ (and a la my hairstyle xD)
no more time :( gtg <3
bye <33
Hi evryone !
Today ive been home lazy last day of freedom :''''C WAE???? :'( i don´t wanna go back 2 school :( so sad..
Oh and today i got a reply from the school .. IB internationall Bac (watever xD) ... i can´t even wright it.. and they want me 2 go 2 the school and do a test in english and math in 2 weeks :O OMO!! 어머!어머!어머! i can´t do it :O
Srsly i´m not sure if i should say yes or no 2 it :(
I don´t know any math :( and i don´t speak english WHAT HAVE I DONE ????? o.o
(and yeah i kinda do speak english but not like pro-ish... o.o and many of the people on the school are english or chinese cuz if i go 2 that school i´ll learn chinese ,, speak english 100% in school ,keep going with my german and loads of other hard stuff.... Or i´ll go 2 a kidna ''drawing ish'' thing and have extra song lessons and design .. i´m not sure what will be the best ... *sight*
My biggest dream right now would be 2 get in 2 YG entertainment but sence i´m not korean ,i don´t speak fluent korean, i pretty much suck at dancing xD and i don´t think i sing good enough the chance of that is like ½ in one million :O
So my goal is 2 learn fluent korean and then move 2 korea and live there .. so i´ll have 2 think of what will be the best thing 2 do if i wanna fallow the dreams ... its rly hard so .. yeah :I scary!
Emm tomorrow i´m going 2 아빠(dad) but i don´t know what i´ll do there yet.. i think i wanna get new clothers ? i´m bored with evrything :( gaah i should go 2 japan and go crazy with the sopping :O *-* THAT WOULD BE SO AMAZING OMO! .. but .. that aint happening :I +.+'
enough about me already enjoy some of these pics now and C U PPL tomorrow<3

no more time :( gtg <3
bye <33
파이팅! ^o^b <33
Hi everyone :D ^-^~~ <3
Today ive still just been home watching 2NE1 TV i think ive seen like 5h and 15 min or something like that xD hah but i lööve it ^-^b
And... *hih* GD is in it pretty much 2 :P and i can´t even pretend that i don´t like GD ^-^he was like the firk kpop guy i liked ^-^ <33
but srsly i löve 2ne1 alot more 2 now ^-^ they are so funny n cute ^-^
And Dara is so much like her brother (Thunder in MBLAQ)^-^<3
watch it if u havn´t :) u whont regret it :D <3
Ohh~ and i made cookies 2 day 2 ^-^ Heh :D
I´m gonna fix my nails after this post :) i have bling bling nails :P but the old ones lasted 4 a week so now i have 2 do new ones but yeah ^-^thats fun but it takes so much time :P i so 2-3 layers colour and then 6-7 layers with see though nail polish so it takes rly rly long time but it stays on realy good ^-^ and its almost like fake nails when you have it like that so it whont break your nails ^-^ <33 Gut gut gut!
I said yesturday that i would have some style and stuff like that so here you go ^-^ not much sence i pretty much always only watch series and listen 2 music when i´m on the comp but its something atleast ^-^<33
GIMME!!! i lööve those shoes so much<3
Totaly stylish japanese mums :O so cool :o why isn´t my umma like that?
Love it all ^-^ the jean and the hair is awsome :D <333 think you can find it somewere on Yesstyle!
These are also from yesstyle :) i löve this kind of shoes cuz its pretty but not 2 much ^-^ <33 ''Press here 2 go 2 yesstyle''
More yesstyle ^-^ but picture is just cute cute shirt and pretty pretty hair (even tho its a wig o.o :P ) but yeah why don´t i look like that * T.T*
The pink one is it that i use on my nails but most of the time i don´t use it as grafitti cuz i think it shows 2 little then ^-^
And Dara cuz ive stolen her hairstyle ^-^ hah its cute and easy ^-^just throw up the fringe and done ^-^b
But my umma didn´t like it :'( she said it make me look like i´m 12 years old :O i´m like HEEY :O
but i´ll use it annyway.. its nothing wrong with looking young right? evry asian does it so i should be happy i can do it 2 ...kinda... cuz most non asian people can´t ..(MOHAHAHAH) kinda....
Oh btw bigbang have over 4 millon views on BLUE now :D <3333 on 2 days <33 yey BIGBANG 파이팅!
That´s it <33
Cya evryone <33
긋밤 i guess :P ^-^
Today ive still just been home watching 2NE1 TV i think ive seen like 5h and 15 min or something like that xD hah but i lööve it ^-^b
And... *hih* GD is in it pretty much 2 :P and i can´t even pretend that i don´t like GD ^-^he was like the firk kpop guy i liked ^-^ <33
but srsly i löve 2ne1 alot more 2 now ^-^ they are so funny n cute ^-^
And Dara is so much like her brother (Thunder in MBLAQ)^-^<3
watch it if u havn´t :) u whont regret it :D <3
Ohh~ and i made cookies 2 day 2 ^-^ Heh :D
I´m gonna fix my nails after this post :) i have bling bling nails :P but the old ones lasted 4 a week so now i have 2 do new ones but yeah ^-^thats fun but it takes so much time :P i so 2-3 layers colour and then 6-7 layers with see though nail polish so it takes rly rly long time but it stays on realy good ^-^ and its almost like fake nails when you have it like that so it whont break your nails ^-^ <33 Gut gut gut!
I said yesturday that i would have some style and stuff like that so here you go ^-^ not much sence i pretty much always only watch series and listen 2 music when i´m on the comp but its something atleast ^-^<33

But my umma didn´t like it :'( she said it make me look like i´m 12 years old :O i´m like HEEY :O
but i´ll use it annyway.. its nothing wrong with looking young right? evry asian does it so i should be happy i can do it 2 ...kinda... cuz most non asian people can´t ..(MOHAHAHAH) kinda....
Oh btw bigbang have over 4 millon views on BLUE now :D <3333 on 2 days <33 yey BIGBANG 파이팅!
That´s it <33
Cya evryone <33
긋밤 i guess :P ^-^
Home studdy pause ... YUM !
안녕하서ㅣ요 여러분!'
o today ive been home pretty much listening 2 korean music and watching 2NE1 TV season ep1-3 and more if i have time i´ll put some now here on the blog ...
but yeah.. i´m telling myshelf that i´ll learn how 2 speak korean by listening 2 it cuz that´s how i learned english ... so maybe .. right now i feel so confused cuz i havn´t done any grammar yet so i can´t put together anything or understand why they say some words hera and there o.o SO HARD LANGUAGE x.x
i´m glad i didn´t start japanese 2 like i thought b4 ...but no korean it enought! geez..
Well 2NE1 TV is rly great btw! , ive wanted 2 watch it 4 pretty long time but its so long time on evry ep.. it´s like 50 minutes x 6 in 6 seasons o.o (i think) so this will take about a year 2 watch but yeah that´s fine o.o and i HOPE i´ll learn some korean by watching it!
and now i´m so sleepy ,, my eyes are just -..- (yes i have the piggy nose 2 when i´m sleepy ;P)
and yeah i´ll proabably fall asleep b4 i´m done writing this so .. i´ll just put up pics now and 2 make me stay awake i guess i´ll put up some sexiness o.o (옿ㅕㅎ) so enjoy i guess :P *sleepy face*

*ANGRY MOMENT NONE of the best giffs works :'( WHYY GOD WHYYYY?*

I gtg now :( byt yeah cya tomorrow :p
and then i´ll have style inspiration! so we go from hot boys 2 cute style ;p hah
XOXO <33
The5 gods on this earth have a new song!<33 BIGBANG BLUE!
The gods.. and yes they are gods <33 they have their new song(mv) out !! <33<33<33
*annoying love spamm*
So srsly look<33
it´s a sad song but i can´t be annything else than HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!
Daesong is just looking GREAT in his blonde lovely hair!
TOP,, He´s just being TOP Awsome, sexy <33 i was supprised about that it looks like he have blonde/blue/greenish hair on the MV ..? hmm i dunno but doesnt rly matter he´s awsome in all colours!<33
GD <3 first he have red hat and blonde hair <33 and then red hair and pink hat and its all crazy but GOD DAMN he looks great even in such a fashion crime as mixing pink and red! <33
Taeyang is yummy in his messy hair and gosh ...*-*
and last ''little'' maknae Seungri also jut being yumy <3 No need 2 say more!
But i do not like the girl :I WHY CAN`T THAT BE ME? :'C
but yeah song gets A+ Looks get A++ and over all it´s an A+++ song! <33

i wish that i could put up more pics but .. no <33
just watch video over and over again like me *-* :D <33
it´s a win win situation! <3
bye bye ppl now i´ll watch it AGAIN !! :D

XOXO <33
Today ive only been home doing pretty much ''whife'' stuff or better house stuff.. cleaning , making food and other shit x.x not my favorite thing 2 do but yeah..
i´ll make cookies tomorrow so thats good :D
i also did make up o.o i almost never use makup anymore o.o so now when i do i get annoyed cuz of it and my lashes get stuck in my fringe(or water its called .. hair) ... but yeah i´ll get better with the makeup again sence i still LÖVE makeup <3
btw what i havn´t told is that i was in Växjö this saturday with mich :) i didn´t find much both sence i didn´t know what i wand and i have like NOOOO money *cry face*
But i got a new ring,tights and ... something more that i can´t remember now -.- *aigoo*
i´m not gonna say more today i´ll just put up randome pics <3
enjoy <3
Zelo <3 My new computer backround<33 (i had him b4 2 but not same picture ^-^b)
Block B <33 Zico is my favorit but damn U-kwon is nice 2 :D <33
Go *-* that is ********* CRAZY!!! XD
A lá Tablo <33
A little Kevin from U-kiss .. like a girl o.o XP <3
That´s better <3 Kevin like he should be ^-^ <33
Hyungsung abs as an goodbye <33
Btw ppl Miss A´s new song Tuch Mv came out today :) don´t forget 2 watch it <33
Bye bye <33
Today ive only been home doing pretty much ''whife'' stuff or better house stuff.. cleaning , making food and other shit x.x not my favorite thing 2 do but yeah..
i´ll make cookies tomorrow so thats good :D
i also did make up o.o i almost never use makup anymore o.o so now when i do i get annoyed cuz of it and my lashes get stuck in my fringe(or water its called .. hair) ... but yeah i´ll get better with the makeup again sence i still LÖVE makeup <3
btw what i havn´t told is that i was in Växjö this saturday with mich :) i didn´t find much both sence i didn´t know what i wand and i have like NOOOO money *cry face*
But i got a new ring,tights and ... something more that i can´t remember now -.- *aigoo*
i´m not gonna say more today i´ll just put up randome pics <3
enjoy <3

Btw ppl Miss A´s new song Tuch Mv came out today :) don´t forget 2 watch it <33
Bye bye <33
I guess i´m back a little... i have no idea what will happen but i´m back and i´ll try be in as much as possible <3
and i´ll start with BIGBANG!! *yeey* <33
enjoy :) cuz DAMN I DO!! :D
*-* <33 LÖVE GD <33 and it does get better :D <3<33
Yeah *-* <333
and more Gd ^-^ the style is kinda wierd :P but still my love GD is always in my heart <33
Seungri <33 doesn´t look like a maknae 2 me ,, oh no <33
Taeyang <33 :D<3
Daesung :D <33 looking so stylish <33
And TOP <33 u have already seen it but u can´t get watch TOP 2 much so just look <33
Bigbang Fighting! (good or bad.. not sure o.o)
one more fighting <33 there froam vouge if i got it right ^-^<3
Löve löve löve löve löve <33<3<3<33<3<33<3
Bigbang 4 ever<33
Cya <33
XOXO <33
and i´ll start with BIGBANG!! *yeey* <33
enjoy :) cuz DAMN I DO!! :D

Löve löve löve löve löve <33<3<3<33<3<33<3
Bigbang 4 ever<33
Cya <33
XOXO <33
i´m sorry i havn´t been in here lately but i have it kinda shitty at home righ now so i havnt been online 4 like 4 days.. yey,,.
i´ll try get back when its fixed.. kinda sry :(
i´ll try get back when its fixed.. kinda sry :(

No time 2 write :'(
Bye :(
x.x' aigoo
2 day...
*wake up
*eat chinese food <3
* eat cookies at cofee shop
*eat candy
i feel fat x.x
that´s almost all ive done 2 day.. that´s just 2 sad.. :(
well well....
i´m not gonna talk so i´ll just put up some pics that´s all...:O
lol xD i laugh evey time xD nice lips zelo <3 :P bang haha ^-^
B.A.P <3<3<3 angry zelo <3
wonder girls :) <3<3
Seungho and Lauren :D <3
Lee joon and very unimpressed Dayoung.. stupid girl he told her 2 touch and she just stood there :O she´ll regret later :O :(
gtg now cuz i´m leaving dad´s place and going back home 2 mum.. cya ppl <3
*wake up
*eat chinese food <3
* eat cookies at cofee shop
*eat candy
i feel fat x.x
that´s almost all ive done 2 day.. that´s just 2 sad.. :(
well well....
i´m not gonna talk so i´ll just put up some pics that´s all...:O

gtg now cuz i´m leaving dad´s place and going back home 2 mum.. cya ppl <3
Top hot hot hot fire

Google-ing around 2 find stuff about Bigbang alive tour 2012
cya tomorrow! 23:55 now :P
I heal a little more with evry note i hear! Maybe somday i´ll be all fine.
Hey all!
i had no time 2 write more yesturday :I i was away and bolwing... and failed..well well..
and today i had dance in 3h and then we whent 2 my granny and then 2 my dad´s gf´s mum.. cuz she had b-day or something like that o.o
well now i´m FINALY home :D <33
Home sweet home :)
but more important MY LOVELY MUSIC <3<333
Right now i´m watching old pictures and it´s so awful x.x OMG
how can i look so bad??????? IT`S AMAZING THAT I CAN BE THAT UGLY!!
and one funny picture of me standing next 2 sara in like 7th grade and i´m like 30-40 cm shorter than her and so smal and thin legs and i look stupid and she´s all normal :O
i´m aware of that i´m still ugly but that was extreme o.o OMG!! eww.. and big eyebrows.. that´s srsly all i see xD that´s how big they were xD good that they´r not like that now xD haha
well now pic´s cuz i´m 2 sleepy..........
So this is ofc Bigbang.. hah like u all know :p if u think this is BAP ur 0.00% wrong!
My gif´s never work :'(
well still .. ive gotten my seungri love back ^-^ MUST LISTEN 2 SEUNGRI<33
Zelo. LIKE A BOSS<3<33<3
GD <33
and i end with alá Jo twins <33
bye bye <33
XOXO <33
i had no time 2 write more yesturday :I i was away and bolwing... and failed..well well..
and today i had dance in 3h and then we whent 2 my granny and then 2 my dad´s gf´s mum.. cuz she had b-day or something like that o.o
well now i´m FINALY home :D <33
Home sweet home :)
but more important MY LOVELY MUSIC <3<333
Right now i´m watching old pictures and it´s so awful x.x OMG
how can i look so bad??????? IT`S AMAZING THAT I CAN BE THAT UGLY!!
and one funny picture of me standing next 2 sara in like 7th grade and i´m like 30-40 cm shorter than her and so smal and thin legs and i look stupid and she´s all normal :O
i´m aware of that i´m still ugly but that was extreme o.o OMG!! eww.. and big eyebrows.. that´s srsly all i see xD that´s how big they were xD good that they´r not like that now xD haha
well now pic´s cuz i´m 2 sleepy..........

well still .. ive gotten my seungri love back ^-^ MUST LISTEN 2 SEUNGRI<33

bye bye <33
XOXO <33
Saengil chukae hamnida Siwon oppa!
Happy B-day 2 Choi Siwon <33 He´s 25 years old today <33
Saengil chukae hamnida oppa!<33


Haha <33 that´s it 4 now <33 Cya ppl <33
XOXO <33
Saengil chukae hamnida oppa!<33

Haha <33 that´s it 4 now <33 Cya ppl <33
XOXO <33
Quiet 4 you Loud 4 me
Yo! :p
So in school we had test first 3 hours :O GOSH that was boring and my hand still hurts x.x
Then it was music who was just stupid and then math and i just sat there and wrote in korean ... yey good day..
It´s some kind of outside day tomorrow so i´m just like
- I ain´t doing that :o

So i´ll sit at home all day doing 100% useless stuff :D yeey ♥
LOL fail XD .. why wait that long time? :P
;P haha
Look i found sungmin gif when he´s just like me :P i´m like that evry day :D lollipop löve<3
GD <3<33<33
That´s it <33
Bye bye ppls <3

XOXO <3<3<33
So in school we had test first 3 hours :O GOSH that was boring and my hand still hurts x.x
Then it was music who was just stupid and then math and i just sat there and wrote in korean ... yey good day..
It´s some kind of outside day tomorrow so i´m just like
- I ain´t doing that :o

So i´ll sit at home all day doing 100% useless stuff :D yeey ♥

That´s it <33
Bye bye ppls <3

XOXO <3<3<33
What if life´s just one big dream...
Hi <3
Today have been school and dancing,... i failed 100% .. at both :P lol
but yeah,.. watever..
i´ll have a test tomorrow and i don´t know anything about it.. but watever :p
i think i say watever like 20 times evry day :P i totaly feel like only thing i care about right now is my k-pop.. :)
much better than anything else <33
I have nothing 2 say.. just enjoy these pics <3

<33 Yoseob <33
GO *-* <33
Lol xD that´s just wierd :P hah
Dongwoon *-* <333 GOSH...
Gikwang ^-^haha <33 naaw <3
Now i gtg <33
Cya .. <3
Time 4 tv then i´ll sleep :D :P and tea <33 always tea <33
BYE !!<33
Today have been school and dancing,... i failed 100% .. at both :P lol
but yeah,.. watever..
i´ll have a test tomorrow and i don´t know anything about it.. but watever :p
i think i say watever like 20 times evry day :P i totaly feel like only thing i care about right now is my k-pop.. :)
much better than anything else <33
I have nothing 2 say.. just enjoy these pics <3

Now i gtg <33
Cya .. <3
Time 4 tv then i´ll sleep :D :P and tea <33 always tea <33
BYE !!<33
I´ll be forever young !
Hi :)
so i have been 2 school 2 day (like always :'(..) And we had test (yey) but well well ..that´s school
and after that we ate and watched movies :) so it was pretty nice day anyway :D
and while watching movies me and mich ate candy so i was happy :D yey <33
When i came home i decided 2 become better at my korean Hangul writing so i wrote Mystery in my korean book..
it didn´t rly become very good but i do feel that i learned more words so YEEY <333
Tomorrow i´ll have first dance thing 4 the musical OMFG :O
i suck at remembering dances :O well well-- (and i will have 2 dance in like 10+ cm heels :O yeey)
Now ... i´m crazy 2 do this but it will not happen again :) i´ll put up a picture of me and mich taken like in November :o OMG .. crazy!!
But it will only be this once :) and the picture is so lol cuz were on a playground so... yeah.. *awkward moment*
just look and then enjoy the boys i put up after it so that ur not gonna look at my pic :D
(smart girl here :P )
Naaw <3 Yoseob <33

Jay Park <33 *-*
Lee joon <33
Minho <3
Lee joon <33
Onew xD
Oh that´s mean :O he opens the pants but the gif doesnt wanna work here :'( (Rain Bi btw)
hah <3
But bye bye <33<33
so i have been 2 school 2 day (like always :'(..) And we had test (yey) but well well ..that´s school
and after that we ate and watched movies :) so it was pretty nice day anyway :D
and while watching movies me and mich ate candy so i was happy :D yey <33
When i came home i decided 2 become better at my korean Hangul writing so i wrote Mystery in my korean book..
it didn´t rly become very good but i do feel that i learned more words so YEEY <333
Tomorrow i´ll have first dance thing 4 the musical OMFG :O
i suck at remembering dances :O well well-- (and i will have 2 dance in like 10+ cm heels :O yeey)
Now ... i´m crazy 2 do this but it will not happen again :) i´ll put up a picture of me and mich taken like in November :o OMG .. crazy!!
But it will only be this once :) and the picture is so lol cuz were on a playground so... yeah.. *awkward moment*
just look and then enjoy the boys i put up after it so that ur not gonna look at my pic :D
(smart girl here :P )

But bye bye <33<33

D.I.G.I.T.A.L ~ Welcome to the digital world
feeling gangsta ;p nah not rly xD
But yeah i´m home .. and i´m in jogging clothers and all so i look wierd xD but i feel happy about my self sence i worked out and that will maybe get a better belly :P lol (going 4 abs ;o nah not rly i´m 2 lazy xD)
But i ate 200 g candy so i was like.. I`M FAT so i worked out :) Good 4 me :D
When i was on town after school i baught another very cute/slly ring with kitty on :P KAWAII ~<3
And some kind of lip gloss or watever with Cola on it ^-^ and it smells like it 2 ^-^ i think i have like 7 kinds of those already but i rly like cola lip stuff xD haha
I wish i had something fun 2 say.. but NOPE
:( so sad..
i wanna move 2 korea NOW :I sweden is boring.. watever you ppl so NEVER MOVE 2 SWEDEN!!
But sence i do live in sweden i´ll just put up randome pics .. :P
so enjoy :)
Zelo <33
Yoseob <33
April kiss <33
Yoseob *-* <33 (HALLA ) <3
^-^ inded i do <33 YOSEOB <33
Hehe <3
U ain´t getting more 4 now :P
cya ppl <3
feeling gangsta ;p nah not rly xD
But yeah i´m home .. and i´m in jogging clothers and all so i look wierd xD but i feel happy about my self sence i worked out and that will maybe get a better belly :P lol (going 4 abs ;o nah not rly i´m 2 lazy xD)
But i ate 200 g candy so i was like.. I`M FAT so i worked out :) Good 4 me :D
When i was on town after school i baught another very cute/slly ring with kitty on :P KAWAII ~<3
And some kind of lip gloss or watever with Cola on it ^-^ and it smells like it 2 ^-^ i think i have like 7 kinds of those already but i rly like cola lip stuff xD haha
I wish i had something fun 2 say.. but NOPE
:( so sad..
i wanna move 2 korea NOW :I sweden is boring.. watever you ppl so NEVER MOVE 2 SWEDEN!!
But sence i do live in sweden i´ll just put up randome pics .. :P
so enjoy :)

U ain´t getting more 4 now :P
cya ppl <3
Freeze 비스트
Hi ppls ! ♥
Mich left like 1-2 h ago so ive pretty much just been cleaning up little at home.. i just say MESSY!
it´s food and dish and shit all over so i´ll have 2 do x.x yeey
I feel right now that i should never become a house whife .. IT SUCKS and ive only been it 4 2½ days xD haha
well well... there´s fast food and stuff like that 4 reasons right? :P
i don´t have much 2 say so i better just stop :P hah
Style inspiration:
Taylor swift ^-^ she always have so pretty dresses and i´m just like GIMME GIMME GIMME <33
Details <33
i RLY RLY RLY wanna have this shoes :( much better than converse :I my converse are boring.. or one is little fun but only little.. :o
well well cya <33
Mich left like 1-2 h ago so ive pretty much just been cleaning up little at home.. i just say MESSY!
it´s food and dish and shit all over so i´ll have 2 do x.x yeey
I feel right now that i should never become a house whife .. IT SUCKS and ive only been it 4 2½ days xD haha
well well... there´s fast food and stuff like that 4 reasons right? :P
i don´t have much 2 say so i better just stop :P hah
Style inspiration:

well well cya <33
Forever alone
I´m home alone now with mich..
my mum is in stockholm p.o i dunno.. wierd..
yeah but mich came here and stayed yesturday .. we ate some pizza and candy and so :) yey
i´ll make some kind of food now :O i´m starting 2 get hungry :O so...'
i´ll just put some pics and i´ll be back later today :)
Zico Block B <33
Rain :) ^-^
Yoseob <3333
GD <33
CL :) <33
Thunder <33
Gaho and GD = ADORABLE <3<33
Junhyung <33
Jay Park <33
Bye bye now ppl <33 i´m gonna eat fries and CHICKEN with mich now :) :D

Bye ^-^
I´m home alone now with mich..
my mum is in stockholm p.o i dunno.. wierd..
yeah but mich came here and stayed yesturday .. we ate some pizza and candy and so :) yey
i´ll make some kind of food now :O i´m starting 2 get hungry :O so...'
i´ll just put some pics and i´ll be back later today :)

Bye bye now ppl <33 i´m gonna eat fries and CHICKEN with mich now :) :D

Bye ^-^
Maybe it will all end up good afterall
Hi evryone <33
Today i came 2 school and got the question
-What will you write about?
-on the test ...
so yeah fail :/ i did some kind of writing test without knowing that i was supposed 2 have it but yeah it whent fine i think :P it was in english and at 8 in the morning.. good start right :P?
Later it was music and we got the roles 4 the musical ...
my role was called up first .. and i didn´t get it z.z so i sat there saying *=()//%&%#¤%"
But then they called up last roles that i also surched 4... AND FUCK YEAH I GOT IT!!!!! *YEEEH *
But ofc at the moment i was still pissed about the other role so i didnt even smile :p i just *POKER FACE*
*po po po poker face po po poker face na na na na *(gaga moment)
i´m happy about it now though:P lol we are 60 ppl and only 23 got roles and i was one of them :) so i´m happy :) i have no idea how i wil learn all though i will have 2 dance like £$€@~'* (crazy person) hah :P and sing... and talk SHIT :o so scary :O BUT FUN :D i love being on stage :P best and worst feeling at same time <3 :P hah
And when i came home i drank some tea and then i left 2 my sisters place and now i have a neew hair cut :O
if feel rly strange :P lol but i hope it will be good :P
It doesn´t rly wanna stay on place yet so i´ll need 2 use LOADS of hairspray in the start hah :P but that´s fine :P
Tomorrow mich will come here 4 sleepover when we will eat cupcakes ,pizza and play wii :P lol
we play mario :p (super cool i know :> ) i´m ALWAYS Baby peach :) ADORABLE
but now i´ll shut up cuz i see i wrote SO MUCH ... o.o
TOP <33
SUJU <33
Minho :) <3
Lee Joon a lá Bubble pop <33 ^-^
HAHA Key <33 True story :P
Siwon <3
GD <33
Today i came 2 school and got the question
-What will you write about?
-on the test ...
so yeah fail :/ i did some kind of writing test without knowing that i was supposed 2 have it but yeah it whent fine i think :P it was in english and at 8 in the morning.. good start right :P?
Later it was music and we got the roles 4 the musical ...
my role was called up first .. and i didn´t get it z.z so i sat there saying *=()//%&%#¤%"
But then they called up last roles that i also surched 4... AND FUCK YEAH I GOT IT!!!!! *YEEEH *
But ofc at the moment i was still pissed about the other role so i didnt even smile :p i just *POKER FACE*
*po po po poker face po po poker face na na na na *(gaga moment)
i´m happy about it now though:P lol we are 60 ppl and only 23 got roles and i was one of them :) so i´m happy :) i have no idea how i wil learn all though i will have 2 dance like £$€@~'* (crazy person) hah :P and sing... and talk SHIT :o so scary :O BUT FUN :D i love being on stage :P best and worst feeling at same time <3 :P hah
And when i came home i drank some tea and then i left 2 my sisters place and now i have a neew hair cut :O
if feel rly strange :P lol but i hope it will be good :P
It doesn´t rly wanna stay on place yet so i´ll need 2 use LOADS of hairspray in the start hah :P but that´s fine :P
Tomorrow mich will come here 4 sleepover when we will eat cupcakes ,pizza and play wii :P lol
we play mario :p (super cool i know :> ) i´m ALWAYS Baby peach :) ADORABLE
but now i´ll shut up cuz i see i wrote SO MUCH ... o.o

Nothing worth having in life comes without hard work.
Hi evryone <33
another rly boring day in school but that´s all i need 2 say about that :)
My sister didnt fix my hair today eather :'( *sadface* but i rly hope she´ll so it tomorrow instead then <33
Instead i spend my time with watching MBLAQ Hello baby <33 cute cute cute<33 can´t wait 4 episode 3 2 come out<33 MUCH SEE !!<33
Another this is that.. i´m in music class.. i think ive said that like one million times but i have rly many new readers :O wow ... 8D welcome ~ ^-^ hehe <3
But yeah we´r gonna have a musical b4 we quit 9th grade so tomorrow we´ll proabably get 2 know what role wi´ll have in the musical o.o OMG ~ SO SCARY! i have no idea if i´ll even get a role o.o but yeah.. worth trying i guess :O so wish me good luck or something like that :O <3
Not more 2 say now so i´ll put up some pics and then its bye :P <33
Thunder <33 haha srsly love this guy he´s so awsome <33
i don´t know what 2 say xD haha TOP dance ... kinda.. sorry but i love you :P lol <3
Rain :P lol <33
Boyfriend <33
Taemin 4 ever<3<3<3
HAH <33 TVXQ moment :P WAE?? <33
klick HERE 2 listen 2 Keep your head down<33
Haha :P <33 Hyuna :) <33
HAHA i´m almost sorry... but then again
No :) *smile* hah
Heehehheheh :P
And with that i say BYE BYE <333 heh <333
cya tomorrow i guess :D <33
another rly boring day in school but that´s all i need 2 say about that :)
My sister didnt fix my hair today eather :'( *sadface* but i rly hope she´ll so it tomorrow instead then <33
Instead i spend my time with watching MBLAQ Hello baby <33 cute cute cute<33 can´t wait 4 episode 3 2 come out<33 MUCH SEE !!<33
Another this is that.. i´m in music class.. i think ive said that like one million times but i have rly many new readers :O wow ... 8D welcome ~ ^-^ hehe <3
But yeah we´r gonna have a musical b4 we quit 9th grade so tomorrow we´ll proabably get 2 know what role wi´ll have in the musical o.o OMG ~ SO SCARY! i have no idea if i´ll even get a role o.o but yeah.. worth trying i guess :O so wish me good luck or something like that :O <3
Not more 2 say now so i´ll put up some pics and then its bye :P <33

klick HERE 2 listen 2 Keep your head down<33

And with that i say BYE BYE <333 heh <333
cya tomorrow i guess :D <33